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Sorting by Aggregates


This document covers several versions of the application. Use the Viewing content for dropdown to see only the content relevant to a specific application version.

To sort groups by the summary, or aggregate, calculation of each group of an Advanced Report, use Top/Bottom filters.

Top/Bottom filters look for the highest or lowest values in a set, and then put those values in order. Any arbitrary cell in the report can be the Top/Bottom filter.

To sort by a summary calculation:

  1. Ensure that your report has the appropriate aggregate formula in a group footer or header (v2019.2+) cell. The cell should return a numeric value in the report output, which you want to sort the groups by.
  2. Open the Filters dialog then, click the Top/Bottom tab. To open the dialog:
    • (pre-v2021.1) From the Settings report-settings-menu.png menu, click Filters.
    • (v2021.1+) Click the Filters FilterMenu.png icon on the toolbar
  3. Check the Limit the report to the top/bottom values check box.
  4. From the Top/Bottom list:
    • select Bottom to sort in ascending order, or
    • select Top to sort in descending order.
  5. For versions v2018.2+: Check the All checkbox to sort all of the section values by the Top N criteria.
  6. For versions pre-v2019.1: In the # field, enter 2147483647. Why this number? We cannot enter , so instead we want to enter an arbitrarily large number. This is the largest number that can fit without causing a report error.
  7. From the Value list, select the group footer or header (v2019.2+) cell with the aggregate formula.
  8. If there is a For Each group, click the Delete - icon to remove it.

Keep in mind that this is not a Sort from the sort menu. It cannot make nested groups. This only affects the order in which a group of data is shown in the output. Because this is technically a Filter, this has precedence over the report sorts.



An Advanced Report that aggregates the revenue raised from donations in a fundraising campaign


The Filters dialog settings to sort by the aggregated revenue figure


The same report now sorted by the aggregated campaign donation amounts
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