REST – Config Settings
Settings JSON
Settings are represented as JSON objects with the following properties. Each corresponds with a setting in the Admin Console and base configuration file. Some settings appear both in the Settings JSON (Table A) and in General Settings JSON (Table B). When this happens, use the Table B setting.
Name | Type | Writable |
General | General Settings | yes |
DateFormat Deperecated. Use General/DateFormat instead. |
string | yes |
TimeFormat Deprecated. Use General/TimeFormat instead. |
string | yes |
DateTimeFormat Deprecated. Use General/DateTimeFormat instead. |
string | yes |
SeparatorSymbol Deprecated. Use General/SeperatorSumbol instead. |
string | yes |
CurrencySymbol Deprecated. Use General/CurrencySymbol instead. |
string | yes |
DecimalSymbol Deprecated. Use General/DecimalSymbol insread. |
string | yes |
ShowGrid Deprecated. Use General/IsShowGrid instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowCrossTabReports Deperecared. Use General/IsShowCrossTabReports instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowExpressReports Deprecated. Use General/IsShowExpressReports instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowExpressReportsGrouping Deprested. Use General/IsShowExpressReportsGrouping instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowExpressReportsFormulas Deprecated. Use General/IsShowExpressReportsFormulaButton instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowExpressReportsStyling Deperecated. Use General/IsShowExpressReportsStylingToolbar instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowExpressReportsThemes Deprecated. Use General/IsShowExpressReportsThemes instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowAdvancedReports Deprecated. Use General/IsShowAdvancedReports instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowScheduleReports Deperecated. Use General/IsShowScheduleReports instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowScheduleReportsManager Deperecated. Use General/IsShowScheduleReportsManager instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowScheduleReportsEmail Deperecated. Use General/IsShowScheduleReportsEmail instead. |
boolean | yes |
ReadFilterValues Deprecated. Use General/IsReadFilterValues instead. |
boolean | yes |
ShowTabs | boolean | yes |
WebReportsBaseUrl | string | yes |
DefaultFolderName | string | yes |
DefaultReportName | string | yes |
General Settings JSON
Some settings appear both in the Settings JSON (Table A) and in General Settings JSON (Table B). When this happens, use the Table B setting.
Name | Type | Writable |
ReportPath | string | yes |
AllowHomeDirect | boolean | yes |
AllowHtmlOutput | boolean | yes |
AllowExcelOutput | boolean | yes |
AllowPdfOutput | boolean | yes |
AllowRtfOutput | boolean | yes |
AllowCsvOutput | boolean | yes |
DefaultOutputType | wrExportType | yes |
IsWriteLog | boolean | yes |
CustomCode | string | yes |
LicenseKey | string | yes |
DateFormat | string | yes |
TimeFormat | string | yes |
DateTimeFormat | string | yes |
DateTimeTreatedAs |
yes |
IsReadFilterValues | boolean | yes |
DbTimeout | integer | yes |
DbRowLimit | integer | yes |
DbRowLimitStepSize | integer | yes |
VisualizationDbRowLimit | integer | yes |
CallTypeParamName | string | yes |
ColumnParamName | string | yes |
FilterParamName | string | yes |
FullFilterParamName | string | yes |
SortParamName | string | yes |
DataCategoryParamName | string | yes |
ObjectIdParamName | string | yes |
IsShowGrid | boolean | yes |
ActiveRoleId | string | yes |
IsDebugging | boolean | yes |
IsShowPdfTemplate | boolean | yes |
IsDashboardPromptAtExecution | boolean | yes |
IsDashboardShowUrlItemButton | boolean | yes |
IsVisualizationShowKeyword | boolean | yes |
IsShowChartWizard | boolean | yes |
IsShowMapWizard | boolean | yes |
IsShowGoogleMapWizard | boolean | yes |
IsShowGaugeWizard | boolean | yes |
IsSaveOnExecute | boolean | yes |
IsSaveOnFinish | boolean | yes |
IsEnableRightClickMenus | boolean | yes |
IsEnableReportsTreeDragAndDrop | boolean | yes |
IsShowLinkReportFields | boolean | yes |
IsShowLinkReportFormula | boolean | yes |
IsShowLinkAction | boolean | yes |
IsShowInsertImage | boolean | yes |
ExpirationDateStr | string | yes |
IsHtmlPaging | boolean | yes |
WindowHeight | integer | yes |
WindowWidth | integer | yes |
SeparatorSymbol | string | yes |
CurrencySymbol | string | yes |
DecimalSymbol | string | yes |
IsDataMapping | boolean | yes |
IsShowJoinFields | boolean | yes |
IsDetectJoinedObjects | boolean | yes |
IsEnableSpecialCartesianProcessing | boolean | yes |
IsIncludeNotFilterNullValues | boolean | yes |
TempPath | string | no |
TempCloudService | string | yes |
DataCloudService | string | yes |
IsShowScheduleReports | boolean | yes |
IsShowScheduleReportsManager | boolean | yes |
ScheduleManagerViewLevel | Schedule Manager View Level | yes |
IsShowScheduleReportsEmail | boolean | yes |
ScheduleRemotingHost | string | yes |
SynchronousRemotingHost | string | yes |
SchedulerQueueService | string | yes |
ReportScheduleEmailSubject | string | yes |
ReportScheduleEmailBody | string | yes |
IsRenewSession | boolean | yes |
PasswordRequirement | string | yes |
IsExecuteRemotely | boolean | yes |
IsAccessDataSourcesRemotely | boolean | yes |
MaxTempFileAge | integer | yes |
AllowExecuteNewFilters | boolean | yes |
ExternalInterface | string | yes |
DecimalPlaces | integer | yes |
CurrencyDecimalPlaces | integer | yes |
ApplyGeneralFormatDecimalPlaces | boolean | yes |
ApplyGeneralCurrencyRightAlignment | boolean | yes |
ChartColors | string | yes |
GeochartMapKey | string | yes |
MapColors | string | yes |
GoogleMapKey pre-v2018.1 | string | yes |
GoogleMapJSAPIKey v2018.1+ | string | yes |
GoogleMapGeocodeAPIKey v2018.1+ | string | yes |
GoogleMapColors | string | yes |
GaugeColors | string | yes |
IsShowGroupFilters | boolean | yes |
IsShowJoinsWindow | boolean | yes |
IsShowAdvancedJoins | boolean | yes |
IsShowEventsWindow | boolean | yes |
IsShowReportParametersWindow | boolean | yes |
IsShowCrosstabReports | boolean | yes |
IsShowDashboardReports | boolean | yes |
IsShowChainedReports | boolean | yes |
IsAllowExpressViewLiveEdit | boolean | yes |
IsShowExpressViews | boolean | yes |
IsShowDashboardNewVisualizationButton | boolean | yes |
IsShowDashboardDataFieldsSearch | boolean | yes |
IsShowExpressViewDataFieldsSearch | boolean | yes |
IsUseSampleDataForDashboardVisualizationDesign | boolean | yes |
IsDashboardPromptKeywordByDefault | boolean | yes |
IsShowExpressReports | boolean | yes |
IsShowExpressReportsGrouping | boolean | yes |
IsShowExpressReportsFormulaButton | boolean | yes |
IsShowExpressReportsStylingToolbar | boolean | yes |
IsShowExpressReportsThemes | boolean | yes |
IsShowAdvancedReports | boolean | yes |
IsShowGroupHeadersFormulaButton | boolean | yes |
IsOneCategoryLimit | boolean | yes |
IsCacheServices | boolean | yes |
SchedulerRecipientWindow | string | yes |
FilterExecutionWindow | string | yes |
IsShowIeDownloadButton | boolean | yes |
IsDeleteSchedulesUponReportDeletion | boolean | yes |
AllowMultipleSessions | boolean | yes |
AllowMD5OnFIPS | boolean | yes |
WriteBOMToCSV v2019.1.1+ | boolean | yes |
IsShowScheduleNoEndDate | boolean | yes |
IsShowScheduleIntradayRecurrence | boolean | yes |
TempUrl | string | yes |
UserPreferenceStorage | integer | yes |
UserStartupReportOverwriteGettingStarted | boolean | yes |
UserStartupReportMaxNum | integer | yes |
ExcelExportTarget |
yes |
AllowDependantFilters | boolean | yes |
LinkedReportsInNewTab | boolean | yes |
LoadImageFuncParamPrefix | string | yes |
LanguageFile | string | yes |
IsShowHelp | boolean | yes |
CustomHelpSource | string | yes |
IsEmailScheduledReports | boolean | yes |
IsEnableBatchReports | boolean | yes |
IsShowScheduleDeliveryTypeOptions | boolean | yes |
IsUseSecureRemotingChannel | boolean | yes |
IsShowTemplateUploadButton | boolean | yes |
UseSVGForAppIcons | boolean | yes |
CrossTabMaximumFields | boolean | yes |
IsShowExportsInTab | boolean | yes |
IsShowHtmlToolbar |
yes |
IsEnableScheduling | boolean | yes |
IsShowFilterDescription | boolean | yes |
DefaultFilterExecutionWindow |
yes |
IsChangeableFilterExecutionWindow | boolean | yes |
IgnoreInaccessibleReportFolders | boolean | yes |
SchemaAccessType |
yes |
ServerTimeZoneOffset |
yes |
ClientTimeZoneName | string | yes |
IsShowEnhancedTooltips | boolean | yes |
IsShowReportUploadDownloadOptions | boolean | yes |
AllowInteractiveHtml | boolean | yes |
AllowHtmlInScheduledEmails | boolean | yes |
DefaultIsDockOpen | boolean | yes |
DockPlacement |
yes |
CssTheme | string | yes |
AllowExecuteSaveToDesign | boolean | yes |
UserAllowUserReports | boolean | yes |
MaxNumberOfChartPoints | integer | yes |
DefaultFont | string | yes |
DefaultFontSize | integer | yes |
DefaultChartFont | string | yes |
IsWebFarmSupport | boolean | yes |
IsSilentDashboardRefresh | boolean | yes |
MaxJobExecutionMinutes | integer | yes |
ChainedReportMaxCollationExecutions v2021.1.8+ | integer | yes |
IsAggregateAndGroupInDatabase | boolean | yes |
IsEvaluateFormulasInDatabase | boolean | yes |
IsShowBrowserOutOfDateWarning | boolean | yes |
AreDateFunctionsLoaded | boolean | yes |
VersionNumber | string | no |
DbRowLimitParamName v2018.1 | string | yes |
DbRowRangeStartParamNamev2018.1+ | string | yes |
DbRowRangeEndParamName v2018.1+ | string | yes |
ExpressviewJoinAlgorithm v2018.1+ |
string “Standard” or “Legacy” |
yes |
ExcludeDataSourcesReportCustomSQL v2018.1+ | boolean | yes |
LoadAssemblyInExternalDomain v2018.1+ | boolean | yes |
ShowTipsExpressView v2018.2+) | boolean | yes |
ShowTutorialExpressView v2018.2+ | boolean | yes |
IsShowSQLWindow v2019.1+ | boolean | yes |
SqlGenerationLevel v2020.1+ | integer | yes |
Table B
{ "General": { "ReportPath": "C:ExagoReports", "AllowHomeDirect": true, "AllowHtmlOutput": true, "AllowExcelOutput": true, "AllowPdfOutput": true, "AllowRtfOutput": true, "AllowCsvOutput": true, "DefaultOutputType": 2, "IsWriteLog": true, "CustomCode": "", "LicenseKey": "", "DateFormat": "", "TimeFormat": "", "DateTimeFormat": "", "DateTimeTreatedAs": 0, "IsReadFilterValues": true, "DbTimeout": 600, "DbRowLimit": 0, "DbRowLimitStepSize": 1000, "VisualizationDbRowLimit": 0, "CallTypeParamName": "", "ColumnParamName": "", "FilterParamName": "", "FullFilterParamName": "", "SortParamName": "", "DataCategoryParamName": "", "ObjectIdParamName": "", "IsShowGrid": true, "ActiveRoleId": "", "IsDebugging": false, "IsShowPdfTemplate": true, "IsDashboardPromptAtExecution": false, "IsDashboardShowUrlItemButton": false, "IsVisualizationShowKeyword": false, "IsShowChartWizard": true, "IsShowMapWizard": false, "IsShowGoogleMapWizard": false, "IsShowGaugeWizard": true, "IsSaveOnExecute": true, "IsSaveOnFinish": true, "IsEnableRightClickMenus": true, "IsEnableReportsTreeDragAndDrop": true, "IsShowLinkReport": true, "IsShowLinkReportFields": true, "IsShowLinkReportFormula": false, "IsShowLinkAction": false, "IsShowInsertImage": true, "ExpirationDateStr": "", "IsHtmlPaging": true, "WindowHeight": 0, "WindowWidth": 0, "SeparatorSymbol": ",", "CurrencySymbol": "$", "DecimalSymbol": ".", "IsDataMapping": false, "IsShowJoinFields": true, "IsDetectJoinedObjects": true, "IsEnableSpecialCartesianProcessing": true, "IsIncludeNotFilterNullValues": false, "TempPath": "", "TempCloudService": "", "DataCloudService": "", "IsShowScheduleReports": false, "IsShowScheduleReportsManager": false, "ScheduleManagerViewLevel": 0, "IsShowScheduleReportsEmail": false, "ScheduleRemotingHost": "", "SynchronousRemotingHost": "", "SchedulerQueueService": "", "ReportScheduleEmailSubject": "", "ReportScheduleEmailBody": "", "IsRenewSession": true, "PasswordRequirement": "", "IsExecuteRemotely": false, "IsAccessDataSourcesRemotely": false, "MaxTempFileAge": 1440, "AllowExecuteNewFilters": true, "ExternalInterface": "", "DecimalPlaces": -1, "CurrencyDecimalPlaces": -1, "ApplyGeneralFormatDecimalPlaces": false, "ApplyGeneralCurrencyRightAlignment": true, "ChartColors": "#e85d61, #e5d08f, #00d995", "GeochartMapKey": "", "MapColors": "Lightblue,Navy", "GoogleMapKey": "", "GoogleMapColors": "Lightblue,Navy", "GaugeColors": "#e85d61, #e5d08f, #00d995", "IsShowGroupFilters": true, "IsShowJoinsWindow": true, "IsShowAdvancedJoins": true, "IsShowEventsWindow": false, "IsShowReportParametersWindow": true, "IsShowCrosstabReports": true, "IsShowDashboardReports": true, "IsShowChainedReports": true, "IsAllowExpressViewLiveEdit": false, "IsShowExpressViews": true, "IsShowDashboardNewVisualizationButton": true, "IsShowDashboardDataFieldsSearch": false, "IsShowExpressViewDataFieldsSearch": true, "IsUseSampleDataForDashboardVisualizationDesign": true, "IsShowDashboardExistingVisualizationReportButton": false, "IsDashboardPromptKeywordByDefault": false, "IsShowExpressReports": true, "IsShowExpressReportsGrouping": true, "IsShowExpressReportsFormulaButton": true, "IsShowExpressReportsStylingToolbar": true, "IsShowExpressReportsThemes": true, "IsShowAdvancedReports": true, "IsShowGroupHeadersFormulaButton": false, "IsOneCategoryLimit": false, "IsCacheServices": true, "SchedulerRecipientWindow": "", "FilterExecutionWindow": "", "IsShowIeDownloadButton": false, "IsDeleteSchedulesUponReportDeletion": false, "AllowMultipleSessions": true, "AllowMD5OnFIPS": false, "WriteBOMToCSV": false, "IsShowScheduleNoEndDate": true, "IsShowScheduleIntradayRecurrence": true, "TempUrl": "", "UserPreferenceStorage": 0, "UserStartupReportOverwriteGettingStarted": false, "UserStartupReportMaxNum": 1, "ExcelExportTarget": 1, "AllowDependantFilters": false, "LinkedReportsInNewTab": false, "LoadImageFuncParamPrefix": "", "LanguageFile": "en-us,en-us-getting-started,en-us-tooltips", "IsShowHelp": true, "CustomHelpSource": "", "IsEmailScheduledReports": true, "IsEnableBatchReports": false, "IsShowScheduleDeliveryTypeOptions": false, "IsUseSecureRemotingChannel": false, "IsShowTemplateUploadButton": false, "UseSVGForAppIcons": true, "CrossTabMaximumFields": 5, "IsShowExportsInTab": true, "IsShowHtmlToolbar": 0, "IsEnableScheduling": true, "IsShowFilterDescription": false, "DefaultFilterExecutionWindow": 0, "IsChangeableFilterExecutionWindow": true, "IgnoreInaccessibleReportFolders": false, "SchemaAccessType": 1, "ServerTimeZoneOffset": 0, "ClientTimeZoneName": "America/New_York", "IsShowEnhancedTooltips": true, "IsShowReportUploadDownloadOptions": false, "AllowInteractiveHtml": true, "AllowHtmlInScheduledEmails": false, "DefaultIsDockOpen": false, "DockPlacement": 0, "CssTheme": "Basic", "AllowExecuteSaveToDesign": true, "UserAllowUserReports": true, "MaxNumberOfChartPoints": 300, "DefaultFont": "Arial", "DefaultFontSize": 8, "DefaultChartFont": "Arial", "IsWebFarmSupport": false, "IsSilentDashboardRefresh": false, "MaxJobExecutionMinutes": 240, "IsAggregateAndGroupInDatabase": false, "IsEvaluateFormulasInDatabase": true, "IsShowBrowserOutOfDateWarning": true, "AreDateFunctionsLoaded": true, "VersionNumber": "2016.3.4.100" }, "DateFormat": "", "TimeFormat": "", "DateTimeFormat": "", "SeparatorSymbol": ",", "CurrencySymbol": "$", "DecimalSymbol": ".", "ShowGrid": true, "ShowCrossTabReports": true, "ShowExpressReports": true, "ShowExpressReportsGrouping": true, "ShowExpressReportsFormulas": true, "ShowExpressReportsStyling": true, "ShowExpressReportsThemes": true, "ShowAdvancedReports": true, "ShowScheduleReports": false, "ShowScheduleReportsManager": false, "ShowScheduleReportsEmail": false, "ReadFilterValues": true, "ShowTabs": true, "WebReportsBaseUrl": null, "DefaultFolderName": "", "DefaultReportName": "" }
All requests require a Session ID URL parameter and basic request headers. In the following document, headers are omitted in the interest of brevity.
Show All Settings
.Show the available settings for the current configuration.GET /rest/Settings
Using curl
curl http://{webservice}/rest/Settings?sid={sid} -X GET
Example response
Status: 200 OK { "General": { "ReportPath": "C:ExagoReports", ... } "DateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy", "TimeFormat": "hh:mm:ss a", "DateTimeFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a", "SeparatorSymbol": ",", "CurrencySymbol": "$", "ShowGrid": true, "ShowCrossTabReports": true, "ShowExpressReports": true, ... }
Edit Settings
PATCH /rest/SettingsOnly supply the properties to be edited
Using curl
curl http://{webservice}/rest/settings?sid={sid} -X PATCH ^ -d "{ 'General': { 'ReportPath':'C:ExagoReports', 'IsShowLinkReportFormula':false, ... } 'ShowScheduleReports':false, 'ShowExpressReports':false, ... }"
Example response
Status: 204 No Content