- Advanced Options
- Advanced Reports: Categories (pre-2021.1)
- Advanced Reports: Design Grid (pre-2021.1)
- Advanced Reports: Joins
- Advanced Reports: Report Designer (pre-2021.1)
- Advanced Reports: Report Options
- Advanced Reports: Sections (pre-v2021.1)
- Advanced Reports: Sorts
- Advanced Reports: Using the Toolbar (pre-v2021.1)
- Cell Formatting
- Report Wizard
- Report Wizard: Categories
- Report Wizard: Filters
- Report Wizard: Layout
- Report Wizard: Name
- Report Wizard: Options
- Report Wizard: Sorts
- Show all articles ( 7 ) Collapse Articles
- Advanced Reports: CrossTabs
- Advanced Reports: Templates
- Building Your First Report
- Chained Reports
- Conditional Row Suppression
- Dealing with Duplicate Values
- Display Page Numbers
- Filters
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Linked Reports (Drilldowns)
- Navigating the Application
- No Data Qualified Options
- Report Types
- Report Viewer
- Sorting by Aggregates
- User Preferences and Context Sensitive Help
- Show all articles ( 6 ) Collapse Articles
- Chart Advanced Features: Area
- Chart Advanced Features: Bar 2D
- Chart Advanced Features: Bar 3D
- Chart Advanced Features: Bubble
- Chart Advanced Features: Column 2D
- Chart Advanced Features: Column 3D
- Chart Advanced Features: Combination 2D
- Chart Advanced Features: Combination 3D
- Chart Advanced Features: Doughnut 2D
- Chart Advanced Features: Doughnut 3D
- Chart Advanced Features: Funnel
- Chart Advanced Features: Heatmap
- Chart Advanced Features: Line
- Chart Advanced Features: Pareto 2D
- Chart Advanced Features: Pareto 3D
- Chart Advanced Features: Pie 2D
- Chart Advanced Features: Pie 3D
- Chart Advanced Features: Pyramid
- Chart Advanced Features: Radar
- Chart Advanced Features: Samples
- Chart Advanced Features: Scatter
- Chart Advanced Features: Spark Column
- Chart Advanced Features: Spark Line
- Chart Advanced Features: Spline
- Chart Advanced Features: Spline Area
- Chart Advanced Features: Stacked Area
- Chart Advanced Features: Stacked Bar 2D
- Chart Advanced Features: Stacked Bar 3D
- Chart Advanced Features: Stacked Column 2D
- Chart Advanced Features: Stacked Column 3D
- Chart Advanced Features: Zoom Line
- Chart Advanced Features: Zoom Scatter
- Show all articles ( 22 ) Collapse Articles
- Bar Charts
- Chart Data Layout Types
- Charts and the Chart Wizard
- Displaying Null Values in Charts
- Gauges
- GeoCharts
- Google Maps
- Heatmap Charts
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
- Line Charts
- Pareto Charts
- Pie, Doughnut, Pyramid, and Funnel Charts
- Scatter and Bubble Charts
- Spark Charts
- Tabular Visualizations
- Show all articles ( 5 ) Collapse Articles
- Dashboard Designer (v2019.2+)
- Dashboard Designer: Existing Report Tiles (v2019.2+)
- Dashboard Designer: Filters (v2019.2+)
- Dashboard Designer: Image Tiles (v2019.2+)
- Dashboard Designer: Parameters (v2019.2+)
- Dashboard Designer: Samples (v2019.2+)
- Dashboard Designer: Text Tiles (v2019.2+)
- Dashboard Designer: URL Tiles (v2019.2+)
- Dashboard Designer: Visualization Tiles (v2019.2+)
- Dashboard Viewer (v2019.2+)
- Exporting Dashboards (v2019.2+)
- Show all articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- ExpressView: Aggregating/Summarizing Data (v2021.1+)
- ExpressView: Exporting (v2021.1+)
- ExpressView: Filtering (v2021.1)
- ExpressView: Formula Columns (v2021.1+)
- ExpressView: Grouping (v2021.1+)
- ExpressView: Introduction (v2021.1+)
- ExpressView: Sorting (v2021.1+)
- ExpressView: Visualizations (v2021.1+)
- Aggregate Functions
- Arithmetic and Geometric Functions
- Database and Data Type Functions
- Date Functions
- FilterValue and General Format Best Practices
- Financial Functions
- Formatting Functions
- Formula Editor
- Internal Parameters
- JSONExtract Function
- List of Functions
- Logical Functions
- Other Functions
- String Functions
- What are formulas?
- Show all articles ( 5 ) Collapse Articles
- Advanced Joins
- Amazon S3 File Storage
- Application Settings
- Automatic Database Discovery
- CData Drivers
- Config File XML & API Setting Reference (General Nodes)
- Config File XML Reference (All Nodes but General)
- Configuring Remote Report Execution Host for Azure App Service Deployments
- Considerations When Sizing an Exago System
- Database Aggregation
- Evaluating Exago - Linux
- Evaluating Exago - Windows
- Exago Installation Manifest
- Execution Caching
- Exploring Exago Technology
- Hidden Flags
- Inline Frame or JavaScript API?
- Installing and Configuring the REST Web Service API
- Installing Optional Features
- Managing the dbconfigs.json File
- Manual Application Installation
- Moving Files Between Storage Management Databases
- Multi-Tenant Environment Integration
- Multiple Data Models
- Report-Level SQL Objects
- Scheduling Reports
- Security Checklist
- Set Up Exago in a Web Farm
- Step 1: Install and Configure
- Step 2: Integrate
- Step 3: Install and Configure the Scheduler Service
- Step 4: Administration Console and API
- Step 5: Extensions
- Storage Management: Custom Implementation
- Storage Management: Database Schema
- Storage Management: Getting Started
- Storage Management: Introduction
- Storage Management: Transitioning from Legacy Storage Methods
- Storage Management: Utility (v2020.1)
- Storage Management: Utility (v2021.1+)
- Table-Valued Functions
- Technical Specifications
- User Identification
- Using SQLite Data Sources
- Vertical Table Support
- Windows Registry Changes
- Show all articles ( 36 ) Collapse Articles
- What's New in Version 2021.2
- Performance Enhancements in Version 2019.1
- Support and Maintenance Policy
- Time Zone Calculation Enhancements in v2019.1
- Updating Recommendations
- Updating to the Latest Version (Potentially Breaking Changes)
- What's New in Version 2019.1
- What's New in Version 2019.2
- What's New in Version 2020.1
- What's New in Version 2021.1
- Constants and Enumerators
- Executing Reports with the API
- List of REST Endpoints
- REST - Batch
- REST - Config Settings
- REST - Data Joins
- REST - Data Objects
- REST - Data Sources
- REST - Folders
- REST - Functions
- REST - GetExecute
- REST - Getting Started
- REST - Introduction
- REST — Parameters
- REST - Role Security
- REST - SchedulesV2
- REST - Server Events
- REST - Sessions
- REST - Storage Management
- REST Updates
- Using JSON
- Show all articles ( 11 ) Collapse Articles
- .NET API Documentation
- .NET API General Reference
- .NET Sample Code
- Constants and Enumerators
- Introduction to the .NET API
- List of .NET API Resources
- Load Reports in the .NET API
- Supply SQL for New Reports in the API
- Using the Administration Console and Exago API
- WebReports.Api
- WebReports.Api.Common
- WebReports.Api.Composite.Chained
- WebReports.Api.Composite.Dashboards
- WebReports.Api.Data
- WebReports.Api.Reports
- WebReports.Api.Roles
- WebReports.Api.Scheduler
- WebReportsDebug.xml
- Show all articles ( 8 ) Collapse Articles
- Configuration File Options and Optimizations
- High Availability
- Incremental Loading
- Intro to Performance and Scaling
- Measuring Database Network Latency
- Monitoring Database Schema
- Monitoring Scheduler Load
- Monitoring: Setup
- Monitoring: System Overview
- Special Cartesian Processing
- Tracking Execution Frequency with Monitoring
- Show all articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- Adding Custom Items to the Report Tree
- Adding Fonts to Exago
- An Overview of Exago Extensions
- Application Themes
- Assembly Data Sources
- Create a Custom ExpressView Theme
- Create a Custom ExpressView Theme (v2021.1+)
- Custom Context Sensitive Help
- Customizing Getting Started Content
- Displaying User Messages
- Exago Theme Maker
- Excel: Grouping on Separate Worksheets
- Getting Started with Application Themes
- HTML Tag Sanitization
- Multi-Language Support
- Remote Execution
- Report and Folder Storage/Management
- Scheduler Queue
- SessionInfo
- Styling Exago
- Styling the Home Page
- Themes
- Show all articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
- Global Event: OnAfterLoadReportsList
- Global Event: OnAfterReportExportSuccess
- Global Event: OnConfigLoadEnd
- Global Event: OnConfigLoadStart
- Global Event: OnDataCombined
- Global Event: OnDataFieldsRetrieved
- Global Event: OnExceptionThrown
- Global Event: OnExecuteSqlStatementConstructed
- Global Event: OnExportCsvCell
- Global Event: OnFilterSqlStatementConstructed
- Global Event: OnGetUserPreferences
- Global Event: OnLoadReportParameters
- Global Event: OnOkFiltersDialog
- Global Event: OnOkParametersDialog
- Global Event: OnParameterSqlStatementConstructed
- Global Event: OnRenameFolderEnd
- Global Event: OnRenameFolderStart
- Global Event: OnReportExecuteEnd
- Global Event: OnReportExecuteInit
- Global Event: OnReportExecuteStart
- Global Event: OnReportFailValidation
- Global Event: OnReportSaveStart
- Global Event: OnScheduledReportComplete
- Global Event: OnScheduledReportExecuteStart
- Global Event: OnScheduledReportExecuteSuccess
- Global Event: OnSetUserPreferences
- Global Event: OnWebServiceExecuteEnd
- Introduction to Server Events
- List of Server Events
- Show all articles ( 19 ) Collapse Articles
How To
- .NET and REST APIs
- Batch REST API
- Custom Aggregate Functions
- Custom Columns and CrossTabs
- Custom Dialogs
- Custom Filter Functions
- Custom Functions
- Custom Interactivity via HTML & Action Events
- Customizing Color Picker
- Dashboard Updates in v2021.1
- Data Formatting
- Date Check Custom Functions
- Dynamic Rank Custom Function
- Filters
- Folder Management
- High Availability
- JavaScript API
- JavaScript API Filters
- Joins for Admins
- Linux Installation
- Multi-Tenanting
- Multiple Data Models, Cloned Data Objects & Vertical Tables
- Parameters
- REST Web Service API Setup & Security
- Roles
- Scheduler Configuration
- Security Settings
- Server Events
- Share by Link
- Storage Management Customization
- Storage Management Migration
- Storage Management Overview
- Storage Management Permissioning
- Stored Procedures
- Time Zone Handling
- Troubleshooting for Admins
- Upgrading
- v2018.2 User Preferences
- v2019.1 Configuration Changes
- v2019.1 Small Enhancements
- Visual Integration and Localization
- Show all articles ( 31 ) Collapse Articles
- User Support Lab - 3D Charts
- User Support Lab - Advanced Grouping
- User Support Lab - Chained Reports
- User Support Lab - Chart Data Layouts
- User Support Lab - Complete Report Design
- User Support Lab - Conditional Formatting
- User Support Lab - Crosstab Reports
- User Support Lab - Dashboards v2019.2
- User Support Lab - ExpressView
- User Support Lab - Filter by Formula
- User Support Lab - Filters
- User Support Lab - Formatting Tips and Tricks
- User Support Lab - Formulas
- User Support Lab - Formulas in ExpressView
- User Support Lab - Interactive Reports
- User Support Lab - Joins for Report Writers
- User Support Lab - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- User Support Lab - Linked Reports a.k.a Drilldowns
- User Support Lab - Mapping
- User Support Lab - Multi-Series Charts
- User Support Lab - New Features v2018.2
- User Support Lab - No Data Qualified
- User Support Lab - Repeating Data
- User Support Lab - Report Scheduler
- User Support Lab - Report/SQL Relationship
- User Support Lab - Templates
- User Support Lab - Themes
- User Support Lab - Train the Trainer
- User Support Lab - Train the Trainer Advanced Reports
- User Support Lab - Train the Trainer ExpressView
- User Support Lab - Using ExpressView as a Data Discovery and Troubleshooting Tool
- Show all articles ( 21 ) Collapse Articles
- Adding a SQL Datasource
- Configuring a Stored Procedure Pt 1
- Configuring a Stored Procedure Pt 2
- Configuring a Table or View Pt 1
- Configuring a Table or View Pt 2
- Configuring IIS
- Configuring the REST Web Service [Linux]
- Configuring the REST Web Service [Windows]
- Configuring the Scheduler [Linux]
- Configuring the Scheduler [Windows]
- Installing Exago on Linux [Apache]
- Installing Exago on Linux [NGINX]
- Installing Exago on Windows
- Installing REST [Linux]
- Installing REST [Windows]
- Installing the Scheduler [Linux]
- Installing the Scheduler [Windows]
- Integration Example
- Introduction to Technical Training Series
- Programmable Object Settings
- Roles
- Storage Management Permissioning and Setup
- Show all articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
- Basic Training 01. Introduction
- Basic Training 02. ExpressView
- Basic Training 03. Advanced Reports
- Basic Training 04. Sections
- Basic Training 05. Formatting
- Basic Training 06. Formulas
- Basic Training 07. CrossTab Reports
- Basic Training 08. Charts
- Basic Training 09. Filters
- Basic Training 10. Conditional Formatting
- Basic Training 11. Dashboards
- Basic Training 11a. Dashboard Visualizations
- Basic Training 12. Practice Exercises
- Show all articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
Hidden Flags
The following options are inaccessible from the Admin Console, but may be toggled on or off or otherwise modified by editing the field in the XML configuration file.
v2021.1.16+ — When True, if the Admin Console > General > Database Settings > Database Row Limit is exceeded for a given report execution, the execution halts and a message is displayed to the user indicating that the report tried to pull in too much data. If the execution is the result of a scheduled report, the schedule abends and an error email is sent to the administrator. .NET API Key: ErrorOnDbRowLimitExceeded<convertjsonextracttosql>
v2021.2+ — Set to True to enable all use of the JSONExtract function to be translated to SQL and pushed off to the applicable Data Source. When False, which is the default, JSONExtract will be always be done in-memory. Implementation of the JSONExtract function across Data Source types varies quite widely. Test this function in SQL mode (with value set to True) in a development or testing environment before enabling on a production server to insure compatibility and expected return results. For a list of supported JSONPath expressions and Data Source types, review the JSONExtract Function article.<UseExternalTimeZoneConverter>
v2021.2+ — Set to True to enable the External Interface (a deprecated extensibility feature) to do time zone conversions. This behavior was previously enabled by setting the Server Time Zone Offset tonull
, which is no longer an acceptable value. The default value for this setting is False, so time zone conversions are handled internally with the Time Zone Name configuration file setting.<general><maxexportfilesizebytes></general>
v2021.1.17+ — The maximum number of bytes that an export file may grow to before report execution is cancelled. 0 disables the limit, or any valid integer value greater than 0 cancels report execution and displays an error message to the user if the output file becomes larger than this number of bytes. .NET API Key: MaxExportFileSizeBytes<allowhtmlinscheduledemails>
— Set to True to allow users to insert HTML tags within the body of scheduled emails.<filterdropdownobjecttenancy>
— Set to False to disable tenanting on filter and parameter dropdown objects. If this is disabled and a tenant column limits the dataset for a data object, then a filter or parameter dropdown list within a report will show the full dataset for the data object rather than its intended limited subset.
A tenant column limits the dataset of an Employees data object so that only data for an employee with the last name “King” appears. A report that uses this data object will only output data associated with King. If <filterdropdownobjecttenancy> is True (default), then a filter on Employees.LastName added to this report will only allow King to be selected. However, if it is set to False, the filter on Employees.LastName will allow all employee last names to be selected even though only data for King will appear.
v2016.3.4+ — Set to False to prevent a popup error message from appearing if a user accesses Exago with an unsupported browser.<webfarmsupport>
— If not using sticky sessions in a web farm environment, should be True. More temp information will be written to disk when True allowing other nodes in the farm to read it. Should be False if sticky sessions is configured or when Exago runs in a single node to stop unnecessary costly disk writes and keep information in memory instead.<expressviewdefaultformattheme>
— v2017.1+ Select a default ExpressView theme. Provide the name of the file in theThemes
directory or the name of the theme as it appears in the content table of the Storage Management database.<aliasallentities>
— v2017.2+ Set to True to always use the Exago data object ID as table aliases in application generated SQL, rather then auto-generated aliases.<allowearlypagebreak>
— v2017.3+ Set to True to allow users to insert a page break at the beginning of a report, which would cause the first page to be empty.<canjointransformobjectsindb>
— v2018.1+ Set to False to cause vertical table transformations to be processed in the application instead of in the database. This prevents the use of advanced joins with vertical tables.<general><sqlgenerationlevel></general>
— v2020.1+ Set the level of in-database formula grouping used by Exago. This value should be1 unless otherwise directed by Exago Support. .NET API Key: sqlgenerationlevel<performancetesting>
— v2018.2+ Set to True to set Ctrl+Alt+A to allow for running a report a specified number of times simultaneously for performance testing. Must be run from the report designer for the desired report.<reportlistcache>
— v2018.2–v2020.1.0 Set to False to opt out of caching in the GetReportList method when using a Folder Management assembly.<webrequestkeepalive>
— v2018.2+ Set to True to allow the use of a single TCP connection to send and receive multiple HTTP requests. If set to False, a new TCP connection will be opened for every HTTP request. This flag only applies to Google Maps widgets.<webrequestprotocolversion>
— v2018.2+ Defaults to “1.1”, allowing the definition of 24 status codes as well as other advancements made present in HTTP protocol version 1.1. This flag only applies to Google Maps widgets.<showexpressreports>
— v2019.2+ Set to True to enable the Express Report Wizard.<role><showexpressreportsstylingtoolbar></role>
— v2019.2+ Set to True to display styling tools in the Layout tab of the Express Report Wizard for a role, or False to hide them.<role><showexpressreportsthemes></role>
— v2019.2+ Set to True to display the Theme drop-down in the Layout tab of the Express Report Wizard for a role or False to hide it.<role><showexpressreportsgrouping></role>
— v2019.2+ Set to True to show grouping tools in the Layout tab of the Express Report Wizard for a role or False to hide it.<role><showexpressreportsformulabutton></role>
— v2019.2+ Set to True to show the Formula Editor button in the Layout tab of the Express Report Wizard for a role or False to hide it.
Any fields which are not mentioned here are either not intended for external use or not fully implemented and should be ignored.
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