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Custom Context Sensitive Help

Exago is installed with context sensitive help. When a user clicks the Help Help.png icon a tab opens to display the appropriate section of the Exago User Guide. The content of this tab can be replaced with custom content managed by the host application.

To implement Custom Context Sensitive Help:

  1. Create a minimum of one webpage for the custom help content.
  2. Set the Admin Console > General Settings > Feature/UI Settings > Custom Help Source setting to the URL of the webpage from step 1. Prefix the URL with url=.



Supplying a value for the Custom Help Source will replace the Exago provided help system throughout the entire application.

Now, when a user clicks the Help Help.png icon a tab opens to display the content from the supplied Custom Help Source URL.

The user’s language and a context parameter will be appended as a query string to the URL.

  • The language is determined by the value of the Admin Console > General Settings > Main Settings > Language File setting.
  • The context parameter is determined by where in the application the user clicked the Help Help.png icon, selected from Table A below.


Table A — Custom Context Help Context Parameters
Context Parameter aka “helpKey” Details
tabexecute The user is in the Report Viewer.


tabExpressView The user has the ExpressView Designer active.
tabExpressViewFilter v2019.2.37+v2020.1.20+v2021.1.8+ The user is interacting with the Filters tab of the ExpressView Designer’s Properties Pane
tabExpressViewSort v2019.2.37+v2020.1.20+v2021.1.8+ The user is interacting with the Sorts tab of the ExpressView Designer’s Properties Pane
tabExpressViewViz v2019.2.37+v2020.1.20+v2021.1.8+ The user is interacting with the Visualizations tab of the ExpressView Designer’s Properties Pane
dialogExpressViewFormulaEditor v2019.2.37+v2020.1.20+v2021.1.8+ The user has the Formula Builder in the ExpressView Designer open.

Express Report Wizard

tabExpressName The user has the Name tab of the Express Report Wizard active.
tabExpressCategories The user has the Categories tab of the Express Report Wizard active.
tabExpressSorts The user has the Sorts tab of the Express Report Wizard active.
tabExpressFilters The user has the Filters tab of the Express Report Wizard active.
tabExpressLayout The user has the Layout tab of the Express Report Wizard active.
tabExpressOptions The user has the Options tab of the Express Report Wizard active.

Chained Report Wizard

tabChainedName The user has the Names tab of the New Chained Report Wizard active.
tabChainedReports The user has the Reports tab of the New Chained Report Wizard active.
tabChainedOptions The user has the Options tab of the New Chained Report Wizard active.

CrossTab Wizard

tabCrosstabName The user has the Names tab of the New CrossTab Report Wizard active.
tabCrosstabCategories The user has the Categories tab of the New CrossTab Report Wizard active.
tabCrosstabFilters The user has the Filters tab of the New CrossTab Report Wizard active.
tabCrosstabLayout The user has the Layout tab of the New CrossTab Report Wizard active.
dialogCrosstabOptions The user has the CrossTab Data Designer dialog open.

New Report Wizard pre-v2021.1

tabAdvancedName pre-v2021.1 The user has the Names tab of the New Advanced Report Wizard active.
tabAdvancedCategories pre-v2021.1 The user has the Categories tab of the New Advanced Report Wizard active.
tabAdvancedSorts pre-v2021.1 The user has the Sorts tab of the New Advanced Report Wizard active.
tabStandardFilters pre-v2021.1 The user has the Filters tab of the New Advanced Report Wizard active.
tabAdvancedLayout pre-v2021.1 The user has the Layout tab of the New Advanced Report Wizard active.

Report Designer

tabDesign The user is editing an Advanced or CrossTab report in the Advanced Report Designer.
dialogName The user has the Rename Menu active.
This key is never called in v2021.1+
dialogDescription The user has the Description Menu active.
This key is never called in v2021.1+
dialogCategories The user has the Categories/Manage Data Objects dialog open.
dialogSorts The user has the Sorts dialog open.
dialogFilters The user has the Filters dialog open.
dialogGeneralOptions The user has the General Options dialog open.
dialogHtmlOptions The user has the Report Viewer Options dialog open.
listItemReportHtmlOptionsGeneral The user has the General section of the Report Viewer Options dialog open.
listItemReportHtmlOptionsFilters The user has the Filter section of the Report Viewer Options dialog open.
listItemReportHtmlOptionsSorts The user has the Sorts section of the Report Viewer Options dialog open.
dialogTemplates The user has the Template dialog open.
dialogJoins The user has the Joins dialog open.
dialogJoinEdit The user has the Joins dialog open.
dialogFormulaEditor The user has the Formula Editor open.
dialogLinkedReport The user has the Linked Report dialog open.
tabCellFormatNumber The user has the Number tab of the Cell Format dialog active.
tabCellFormatBorder The user has the Border tab of the Cell Format dialog active.
tabCellFormatConditional The user has the Conditional tab of the Cell Format dialog active.
dialogCrosstabDesign The user has the CrossTab Data Designer dialog open.
dialogGroup The user has the Group Section dialog open.
dialogSectionShading The user has the Section Shading dialog open.
dialogShowSQL The user has the Show Generated SQL open.
dialofReportLevelParameters The user has the Report Level Parameters open.
tabChartType The user has the Type tab of the Chart Wizard open.
dialogChartBenchmarkLine The user has the Benchmark Lines dialog open.
dialogChartDataFormat The user has the Data Layout… dialog of the Chart Wizard open.
tabChartLabels The user has the Labels tab of the Chart menu open.
tabChartData The user has the Data tab of the Chart Wizard open.
tabChartAppeance The user has the Appearance tab of the Chart menu active.
tabChartSizeAndPreview The user has the Size and Preview tab of the Chart Wizard open.
tabMapType The user has the Type tab of the GeoChart Wizard open.
tabMapLocations The user has the Locations tab of the GeoChart Wizard open.
tabMapData The user has the Data tab of the GeoChart Wizard open.
tabGaugeType The user has the Appearance tab of the Gauge Wizard open.
tabGaugeData The user has the Data tab of the Gauge Wizard open.
tabGoogleMapAppearance The user has the Appearance tab of the Google Maps Wizard open.
tabGoogleMapLocations The user has the Locations tab of the Google Maps Wizard open.
tabGoogleMapData The user has the Data tab of the Google Maps Wizard open.
tabGoogleMapSizeAndPreview The user has the Size and Preview tab of the Google Maps Wizard open.
listItemReportCacheOptionsGeneral The user has the Execution Caching dialog open.


tabDashboard The user has the Dashboard Viewer active
tabDashboardDesigner The user has the Dashboard Designer active.
dialogDashboardUrlOptions The user is adding or editing a URL tile on the canvas.
dialogDasboardImageOptions v2019.2.37+v2020.1.20+v2021.1.8+ The user is adding or editing an Image tile on the canvas.
dialogDashboardTextOptions v2019.2.37+v2020.1.20+v2021.1.8+ The user is adding or editing a Text tile on the canvas.
dialogDashboardName The user has the Dashboard Rename menu active.
dialogDashboardDescription The user has the Dashboard Description menu active.
dialogDashboardOptions The user has the Dashboard Options menu active.
tabDashboardReportOptions The user is adding or editing an Existing Report tile.
tabDashboardReportOptionsFilterPrompts The user is interacting with the Filters menu.
tabDashboardReportOptionsParameterPrompts The user is interacting with the Parameters menu.
tabDashboardReportOptionsOptions The user has the Options tab of the Insert Report menu active.
tabDashboardFilterOptionsReports The user has the Reports tab of the Insert Filter menu active.
tabDashboardFilterOptionsFilter The user has the Filter tab of the Insert Filter menu active.
dialogDashboardVisualizationOptions The user is adding or editing a visualization tile.


tabScheduleReportManager The user has the Schedule Report Manager active.
tabScheduleRecurrence The user has the Recurrence tab of the New Schedule Wizard active.
tabScheduleParameters The user has the Parameter tab of the New Schedule Wizard active.
tabScheduleFilters The user has the Filter tab of the New Schedule Wizard active.
tabScheduleRecipients The user has the Recipients tab of the New Schedule Wizard active.
tabScheduleBatch The user has the Batch tab of of the New Schedule Wizard active.


Create a default page to handle any cases where an undocumented or null context parameter is passed. This guarantees that a valid help page will always be displayed.

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