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REST – Sessions

Sessions are the means by which REST persists changes through multiple API calls. A REST session allows for you to easily encapsulate a group of user-specific changes. Most REST changes will only affect the current session, with folder changes being the exception. However, once an API session is committed and Exago is launched, a user will be able to make such changes as their role permits.


All requests require a Session ID URL parameter and basic request headers. In the following document, headers are omitted in the interest of brevity.

Entering the API

A POST /Sessions call should always be the first made when entering the API. This creates a session, which contains a Session Id and an AppUrl.

Session Id

The Session Id is a GUID which uniquely identifies the instance of Exago you’re working in.


This Id is passed as a URL parameter to all other method calls.


The AppUrl is a string which encodes the session information in a format readable by the host application.


The AppUrl consists of three components: the Home Page, an alphanumeric string, and the ShowErrorDetail URL parameter.
Once you have committed your API changes and want to launch Exago, append the AppUrl to the end of your Exago base URL and launch the full URL string in a browser:


An AppUrl can only be used once. Launching an API session will permanently close it, and apply your customization to a new user session in the host application.


Retrieving the AppUrl via GET /Sessions/{Id} should always be the last call made when finishing in the API if you didn’t store it after the initial POST /Sessions call.

Session JSON

The Sessions endpoint allows for creation and deletion of sessions and access to some general settings. It also allows you to specify and configure the action that the session will take when launched. To launch a report in the full user interface, it needs to be set in Sessions as the output report. Sessions are represented as JSON objects with the following properties:

Table A — Session JSON definition
Name Type Writable Description
Id string no The unique Id of this session (“sid”)
AppUrl string no The AppUrl of this session; changes to reflect any modifications made to this session in the API
Page string yes (“ExagoHome”) The Exago home page
ApiAction enum yes (“Default”) Api Action, to take when this session is launched
ExportType enum yes Export Type, if ApiAction is ‘ExecuteReport’
ShowTabs boolean yes (true) Whether the tab bar should be shown
ShowErrorDetail boolean yes (true) Whether detailed error messages should be shown
ReportSettings Report yes A report with optional sorts & filters if ApiAction is ‘ExecuteReport’ or ‘EditReport’
ApiKey string no Used when instantiating the JavaScript Api, if applicable.

Session JSON Example

  "AppUrl": "ExagoHome.aspx?d={alphanumeric}&showerrordetail=true",
  "Id":              "{sid}"
  "Page":            "ExagoHome",
  "ApiAction":       "ExecuteReport",
  "ExportType":      "Html",
  "ShowTabs":        true,
  "ShowErrorDetail": true,

Report JSON

To edit or launch a report, specify a report in the Session object’s ReportSettings property. Reports are represented as JSON objects with the following properties:

Table B — Report JSON definition
Name Type Writable Description
Id string yes (v2021.1+)
no (pre-v2021.1)
The unique ID of the this report
Can be used to retrieve a report from the Storage Management database in lieu of the ReportPath property below in v2021.1+
ReportPath string yes Full path from root folder to this report
SortsResource Sorts yes Any sorts to apply to this report
FilterItems array of Filter yes Any filters to apply to this report
IsError boolean no Whether there were any validation errors when loading this report
ErrorList array of ReportValidationErrorType no If IsError == true, a list of errors encountered when loading this report. Possible Errors


"ReportSettings": {
   "Id": "ad0f442e-275b-48a0-893f-0b1255ee7880",
   "ReportPath": "ReportsProduct Sales Report",
   "SortsResource": null,
   "FilterItems": [],
   "IsError": false,
   "ErrorList": null


Windows file paths are delineated by double-backslashes: \\

Sorts JSON

Sorts can be added to the report either in addition to, or replacing existing sorts. This only affects the current session, and does not edit the base report. The collection of sorts to be added is represented as a JSON object with the following properties:

Table C — Sorts JSON definition
Name Type Writable Description
ReplaceFlag string yes (false) Whether to replace all existing report sorts
SortItems array of Sort yes List of sorts to apply to this report


   "ReplaceFlag": false,
   "SortItems": [
       "Id":  "Products.ProductName",
       "Asc": false
       "Id":  "Categories.CategoryName",
       "Asc": false


Each sort in the SortItems property is represented as a JSON object with the following properties:

Table D — Sort definition
Name Type Writable Description
Id string required Data field to sort on;
format: “EntityName.ColumnName”
Asc boolean yes (false) Whether sort direction is ascending
  "Id":  "Products.ProductName",
  "Asc": false

Filter JSON

Filters can be added to the report in addition to existing filters. This only affects the current session, and does not edit the base report. Each filter to be added is represented as a JSON object with the following properties:

Table E — Filter JSON definition
Name Type Writable Description
Name string required Data field to filter on;
format: “EntityName.ColumnName”
EntityName string yes Entity name to filter on (deprecated)
ColumnName string yes Column name to filter on (deprecated)
DataType enum yes (“string”) Data Field Type
Operator enum yes (“EqualTo”) Filter Operator Type
Values array of strings yes Values to filter with
AndFlag boolean yes (true) Whether this filter should be AND-ed with the next (versus OR-ed)
Prompt boolean yes (false) Whether this filter should prompt the user for a value (Advanced or Express Reports)
GroupWithNext boolean yes (false) Whether this filter should be grouped with the next (Advanced or Express Reports)


Filter values that are DateTime strings must be able to be parsed by the .NET method DateTime.Parse using the current thread culture.


  "Name": "Categories.CategoryName",
  "DataType": "string",
  "Operator": "OneOf",
  "Values": [
    "Beverages", "Seafood", "Produce"
  "AndFlag": true,
  "Prompt": false,
  "GroupWithNext": false

Create a Session

POST /rest/Sessions

Available parameters

Table F — Parameters for creating a Session
Name Type Description
config string

Specify which config file to create the session with.

Format: CustomConfigFile

Using curl

curl http://{webservice}/rest/Sessions -X POST ^
	-d "{'Page':'Reporting','ApiAction':'Home','ShowTabs':false}"

Example response

Status: 201 Created
Location: /{webservice}/rest/Sessions/{sid}

  "AppUrl": "Reporting.aspx?d={alphanumeric}",
  "Id":              "{sid}",
  "Page":            "Reporting",
  "ApiAction":       "Home",
  "ExportType":      null,
  "ShowTabs":        false,
  "ShowErrorDetail": true,
  "ReportSettings": {
    "ReportPath": null,
    "SortsResource": null,
    "FilterItems": null


Currently, if a new XML configuration file and temp path are passed via a POST session, the API session .enc file will first be written to the original temp path of the default config file rather than the newly assigned path. This limitation prevents this action from being properly completed. However, a new XML configuration file may still be passed with the default temp path, allowing this limitation to be bypassed.

Save a Session to Storage v2021.2+

Save the current session to persistent storage (e.g. WebReports.xml).

POST /rest/Sessions/Save/


Name Type Description
sid string The session ID (sid) of the session to save.
FileName string The file name to save to. Required.

Example Payload

This example writes the current session (with session ID 4a9b1ca6-b2e3-4994-8f7d-8033f5f0d356) to a new file WebReports2.xml.

	"sid" : "4a9b1ca6-b2e3-4994-8f7d-8033f5f0d356",
	"filename" : "WebReports2.xml"


When saving a session as part of a Batch REST request, only the FileName property in the payload is required. The current session ID will be used automatically.

For example:

    "Url": "Sessions/Save",
    "Method": "POST",
    "Payload": {
        "FileName" : "MyConfig.xml"

Using curl

curl http://{webservice}/rest/Sessions/Save -X POST ^
	-d "{'sid':'4a9b1ca6-b2e3-4994-8f7d-8033f5f0d356','FileName':'WebReports2.xml'}"

Example Response

204 No Content

Show a Session

GET /rest/Sessions/{sid}

If the session is launched, the session object is deleted and can no longer be viewed.


Unlike other resources, the {sid} is passed as part of the endpoint string, not as a URL parameter.

Using curl

curl http://{webservice}/rest/Sessions/{sid} -X GET

Example response

Status: 200 OK

  "AppUrl": "Reporting.aspx?d={alphanumeric}",
  "Id":   "{sid}",
  "Page": "Reporting",

Edit a Session

PATCH /rest/Sessions/{sid}

Only supply the properties to be edited. If the session is launched, the session object is deleted and it can no longer be edited.


Unlike other resources, the {sid} is passed as part of the endpoint string, not as a URL parameter.

Using curl

curl http://{webservice}/rest/Sessions/{sid} -X PATCH ^
	-d "{'Page':'CompanyHome'}"

Example response

Status: 200 OK

  "AppUrl": "Reporting.aspx?d={alphanumeric}",
  "Id":   "{sid}",
  "Page": "CompanyHome",

Delete a Session

DELETE /rest/Sessions/{sid}

If a session is deleted, the AppUrl can no longer be used. If the session is launched, the session object is deleted and it can no longer be edited.


Unlike other resources, the {sid} is passed as part of the endpoint string, not as a URL parameter.

Using curl

curl http://{webservice}/rest/Sessions/{sid} -X DELETE

Example response

Status: 204 No Content

Launch a Report with Sorts and Filters

POST /rest/Sessions

Set the ApiAction to ExecuteReport, and specify a report, with any optional sorts and filters, in the ReportSettings property. If you want to save the report to a file, set the ExportType to the desired file type.

Using curl

curl http://{webservice}/rest/Sessions -X POST ^
	-d @sessionSettings.txt




Status: 201 Created
Location: /{webservice}/rest/Sessions/{sid}

  "ApiAction":       "ExecuteReport",
  "ExportType":      "Html",
  "ReportSettings": {
    "ReportPath": "SalesProducts",
    "SortsResource": {
      "ReplaceFlag": true,
      "SortItems": [
          "Id": "Categories.CategoryID",
          "Asc": true
    "FilterItems": [
        "Name": "Categories.CategoryID",
        "DataType": "Integer",
        "Values": ["123"]

To launch the report in Exago, take the AppUrl, and append it to the URL to your Exago installation to create the full URI path:



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