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REST – Storage Management

Viewing and modifying the Storage Management configuration via the REST Web Service API is available in Exago v2020.1+.


All requests require a Session ID URL parameter and basic request headers. In the following document, headers are omitted in the interest of brevity.

Storage Management Configuration JSON

A complete Storage Management configuration is represented as a JSON object with the following properties:

Name Type Writable Description
IsAdmin boolean yes If true, user can see the entire contents of the Storage Management database.
Assembly string yes The fully qualified path to the DLL implementing IStorageManagement
ClassName string yes The class name in the Assembly implementing IStorageManagement
ReportListCacheEnabled boolean yes True if report list caching is enabled
ReportXmlCacheEnabled boolean yes True if report definition XML caching is enabled
ReportListCacheTimeout integer yes Number of seconds before the report list cache times out
ThemeListCacheTimeout integer yes Number of seconds before the theme list cache times out
ReportXmlCacheTimeout integer yes Number of seconds before the report XML definition cache times out
TablePrefix string yes Prefix for the Storage Management database tables. For more information, review Storage Management Admin Console.
DefaultInheritFlag boolean yes Value of the Inherit Flag in the configuration. For more information, review Storage Management Admin Console.
DefaultPartyTypeId integer yes ID from the Party Type table to create a content access record with. For more information, review Storage Management Admin Console.
DefaultAccessFlags integer yes Access flags to create a content access record with. For more information, review Storage Management Admin Console.
Identities string yes A collection of name-value pairs for the identity keys. For more information, review Storage Management Admin Console.
Options string yes A collection of name-values pairs for Storage Management options.

  • DbType — the type of Storage Management database
  • DbProvider — the database provider used to connect to the Storage Management database
  • ConnectionString — connection string to connect to the Storage Management database
  • RptListCacheKey — a prefix for the report list cache key. In Exago’s implementation of Storage Management, a report list cache key is constructed from the values of the identity keys. Setting this value will apply a prefix to the cache key. Setting a value here should only be necessary if users with the same identity key values should somehow be handled differently.
  • ReportListCacheKey — reserved for future use

In a custom Storage Management implementation, this Options collection can also be used to pass additional name-value pairs around the application.

For more information, review Storage Management Admin Console.

Retrieve the Storage Management Configuration

GET /rest/StorageMgmt

Returns a complete Storage Management Configuration object.

Update the Storage Management Configuration

PUT /rest/StorageMgmt

Send a complete Storage Management Configuration JSON object. All existing values will be cleared and replaced with the values in the object. Values that are not in the object will be set to their system defaults.


 "IsAdmin": false,
 "Assembly": "C:\\Exago\\bin\\WebReports.ContentDatabase.dll",
 "ClassName": "WebReports.ContentDatabase.StorageMgmtDatabase",
 "ReportListCacheEnabled": true,
 "ReportXmlCacheEnabled": false,
 "ReportListCacheTimeout": 31,
 "ThemeListCacheTimeout": 63,
 "ReportXmlCacheTimeout": 32,
 "TablePrefix": "dbo.",
 "DefaultInheritFlag": true,
 "DefaultPartyTypeId": 3,
 "DefaultAccessFlags": 65535,
 "EffectiveReportXmlCacheEnabled": false,
 "SaveValuesImplicit": true,
 "Identities": {
  "userId": "Astro Boy",
  "classId": "admin",
  "companyId": "Exago",
  "ownerId": "Astro Boy"
 "Options": {
  "DbType": "SQLite",
  "DbProvider": "SQLite",
  "ConnectionString": "Data Source=C:\\Exago\\mydatabase.sqlite",
  "ReportListCacheKey": "",
  "RptListCacheKey": "mykey"

Edit an Individual Storage Management Setting

PATCH /rest/StorageMgmt

Include only those properties to be updated. Returns with HTTP 200 to indicate success and a copy of the updated configuration as a Storage Management Configuration object.


This example changes the value of three of the Storage Management identity keys.

"Identities": {
    "userId": "aboy",
    "classId": "user",
    "companyId": "Exago, Inc."
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