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Exago Theme Maker

Many components in Exago can be themed and styled. Exago provides a Theme Maker that can create component themes for any color palette. Matching themes can be created for ExpressViews (pre-v2021.1), Express Reports, Charts, GeoCharts, and CrossTabs. The Theme Maker is a JavaScript application that runs in a web browser. 


The Theme Maker creates themes for pre-v2021.1 ExpressView. To create a theme for an ExpressView in later versions, refer to the Create a Custom ExpressView Theme (v2021.1+) article.

Launch the Exago Theme Maker

Select which Exago components to create themes for. By default, all available components are selected. Deselect the check box for each component you do not want to create themes for.

Theme displayed
ExpressView theme creation enabled
Theme collapsed
ExpressView theme creation disabled

To choose colors, click in each color field and use the color picker to select a color, or paste a hexadecimal color value for each field.

Theme color picker
Picking a color with theme color picker

Hover over a color field to see which piece of the theme this color corresponds to.

Hovering over a color
Hovering over a color to identify affected element

To add additional colors for a theme, click the Add + button. To remove added colors, click the Remove X button.

Adding colors to theme Removing colors from theme
Adding or removing colors

When setting a color for one theme, the corresponding color for all the enabled themes will update as well. To apply certain colors to some themes but not others, click the L L button to unlink a color from the other themes. To resynchronize (link) it, click the U button.

When finished setting all the colors, give the theme a name and click the Download button. Valid characters are letters, numbers, spaces, and underscores.

Clicking Donwload button
Naming and downloading theme

Finally, extract the theme files into the Themes folder in Exago’s installation directory. If you are using version 2021.1, you will need to load the theme files into Storage Management. An easy way to do so is to click the Load Themes button in the Admin Console.

Launch the Exago Theme Maker


ExpressView report with theme applied
ExpressView report with theme applied
Column chart with theme applied
Column chart with theme applied
GeoChart with theme applied
GeoChart with theme applied
CrossTab report with theme applied
CrossTab report with theme applied
Express Report with theme applied
Express Report with theme applied
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