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Storage Management: Transitioning from Legacy Storage Methods


Exago’s Storage Management system replaces the legacy file system, cloud storage, folder management and web service (SOAP) storage methods with a relational database. All reports, templates, folders and themes are stored in this database. Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL are supported out-of-the-box. Exago also supports a SQLite database for development, testing and demonstration.


Exago recommends using the included SQLite database for development, testing and demonstration purposes only. Use MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle or PostgreSQL in a production environment.

Review the Storage Management: Database Schema article to gain an understanding of the structure and implementation of this database. The Admin Support Lab — Storage Management Migration includes a narrative walk through and demonstration of the migration process.

Table of Contents

  1. General Procedure
    1. Transitioning Utilities
      1. CloudToJson
        1. Command Line Structure
        2. Command Line Parameters
        3. Common Usage Examples
        4. Manually Editing the Intermediate JSON File
        5. Access Flags
        6. Troubleshooting
      2. DatabaseToJson
        1. Command Line Structure
        2. Command Line Parameters
        3. Manually Editing the Intermediate JSON File
        4. Access Flags
        5. Troubleshooting
      3. FileSystemToJson
        1. Command Line Structure
        2. Command Line Parameters
        3. Comon Usage Examples
        4. Manually Editing the Intermediate JSON File
        5. Access Flags
        6. Troubleshooting
      4. LoadReportsToDb
        1. Command Line Structure
        2. Command Line Parameters
        3. Common Usage Examples
        4. Duplicate ID Warning
        5. Troubleshooting
  2. Upgrading from File System or Cloud Storage
  3. Upgrading from Folder Management
  4. Upgrading from Web Service (SOAP) Storage
  5. Intermediate JSON File
    1. Structure
      1. Content JSON
      2. Metadata JSON
      3. ReportAccessItem JSON

General Procedure

To upgrade from legacy file system, cloud storage or Exago’s reference example of Folder Management to relational Storage Management the general procedure is as follows. Clients implementing custom Folder Management or SOAP Web Services should contact their Customer Success Manager for further information.

  1. Identify the legacy storage method in use (either file system, cloud storage, folder management or SOAP web service).
  2. Make a backup of the contents of the legacy storage method.
  3. Read the contents of the legacy storage method into an intermediate JSON file with one of the Exago provided transitioning utilities. This intermediate JSON file saves a copy of the legacy storage method’s contents, and allows manual editing of it if desired before import.
  4. Not typical: Make any changes to the intermediate JSON file to suit the destination database environment or access permissions required.
  5. Initialize the destination Storage Management database.
  6. Load the contents of the intermediate JSON file into the destination database with one of the Exago provided transitioning utilities.
  7. Configure the Exago Web Application to connect to the Storage Management database. Information for this and the following steps can be found in the sections at the end of this article: Upgrading from File System or Cloud Storage, Upgrading from Folder Management or Upgrading from Web Service (SOAP) Storage.
  8. Update any API integration code to set the identity keys each time a new session is created.

Transitioning Utilities

Exago provides several utilities for completing the above steps, described in Table A below.

These utilities can be found in <WebApp>bin, where <WebApp> represents the Web Application’s installation directory.

Table A — Storage Management Transition Utilities
Step Utility Legacy Method(s) Function/Purpose
2 CloudToJson cloud storage Reads an existing cloud storage implementation and translates it to an intermediate JSON file.
2 DatabaseToJson folder management Reads an existing database storage implementation and translates it to an intermediate JSON file. Typically used by legacy folder management environments implementing the Exago example.
2 FileSystemToJson file system Reads an existing file system implementation and translates it to an intermediate JSON file.
4, 5 LoadReportsToDb all

This utility can change its function depending on command line arguments to either:

  • Initialize the destination Storage Management database with the schema.
  • Load the contents of an intermediate JSON file into the destination database, or load the contents from a file system or cloud stroage repository directly into the destination database.
  • Read the contents of the Storage Management database and display it in a format similar to the tree console command.

Regardless of legacy storage implementation, the transition utilities are non-destructive. The legacy content is only read during this process. It is prudent to make a backup of the legacy content store before any system upgrade.

They will run on Windows and Linux. On Windows, they should be run with Administrator privelages.


When running the transition utilities on Linux, make sure the execute permission bit is set on the utility’s .exe file.

For each of the utilities below, optional command line parameters are enclosed in { braces }. If a parameter has a defined set of possible values, they are enclosed in [ brackets ]. Default values are bold. The utilities process the command line parameters in the order they are entered, and may be combined into multiple actions with a single call.


CloudToJson is used to read one or more directories on a cloud storage repository and generate an intermediate JSON file describing the contents of that repository. If required, modifications can be made to this JSON file before loading content into the Storage Management database. JSON file will be created in <WebApp>binCloudToJson.json.


If customizing the JSON file is not necessary, LoadReportsToDb can read from a cloud repository directly without first having to create an intermediate JSON file.

Command Line Structure
CloudToJson.exe <cloudspec>
Command Line Parameters
Table B — CloudToJson Command Line Parameter Definitions
Parameter Description/Usage
<cloudspec> The string defining the connection to the cloud repository. Typically, this is Exago’s Report Path.
Common Usage Examples

Create JSON file in default directory: Read the contents of a file system report repository. JSON file will be created in <WebApp>binCloudToJson.json.

CloudToJson.exe "pathtype=s3;region='myRegion';accesskey='myAccessKey';secretkey='mySecretKey';bucketname='myBucketName'"
Manually Editing the Intermediate JSON File

In some circumstances, customizing the intermediate JSON file may be desirable or needed to properly set permissions on the content in the destination database. The contents of the JSON file and an explanation of each element can be found in the Intermediate JSON File section of this article.

Access Flags

In a cloud storage mechanism, all users have access to all content without restriction. Access controls are determined by use of Roles. CloudToJson will accordingly grant all access to all content.

By default CloudToJson will set:

  • AccessFlags to 1111111111111111 granting all access permissions.
  • ReportAccessList to be empty.

Review Intermediate JSON File below and the Storage Management: Introduction article to learn about each of these access flags.


A log file named CloudToJson.log is saved to CloudToJson‘s installation directory, typically <WebApp>bin where <WebApp> represents the Web Application’s installation directory. Send this file to the Exago Support Dept when asking for assistance in troubleshooting this utility.


DatabaseToJson is used to read the report content and access permissions information from a source database to an intermediate JSON file. It is designed for transitioning implementations of Exago’s folder management example to Storage Management. It can also be used to transition from Exago’s included SQLite database to a production database after testing is completed.

Access permissions from the source database will be transferred to an intermediate JSON file for importing into the Storage Management database. Orphaned reports will be imported into an Orphaned Reports folder.


An Orphaned Report is one not attached to any folder (including the root); or attached to a folder that cannot be traced from the root. This typically happens if there is a missing record in the legacy folder management database’s access table. Likewise, folders not traceable to the root will not be imported into the Storage Management database.

Orphaned reports will be visible to all users with all access flags set to true.

Command Line Structure

DatabaseToJson needs to know how to connect to and read the data from the legacy database. This information is conveyed to DatabaseToJson in one of two ways:

  • If no command line parameter is specified, DatabaseToJson will read the information from the <applicationSettings><DatabaseToJson.Properties.Settings> nodes of the DatabaseToJson.exe.config file. These values must be configured before running DatabaseToJson the first time. Review Table D below for information on each setting.
  • An optional command line parameter can be specified to choose a predefined configuration from a DatabaseToJson.config.json file in DatabaseToJson‘s installation directory. The DatabaseToJson.config.json file may describe one or more database configurations to read from. It must be created before running DatabaseToJson the first time. The contents of the file are described in Table D below.
DatabaseToJson.exe {<configuration>}
Command Line Parameters
Table C — DatabaseToJson Command Line Parameter Definitions
Parameter Description/Usage

The name of the configuration from the optional DatabaseToJson.config.json file to use.

If no configuration parameter is provided, DatabaseToJson will read the connection data from DatabaseToJson.exe.config instead.

A sample of the DatabaseToJson.config.json file is below. This file defines two configurations, one named default and the other sqlite.

    "default": {
    "DbType": "SqlServer",
    "DbProvider": "System.Data.SqlClient",
    "ConnectionString": "Server=mydbserver;Database=thedatabase;uid=dblogin;pwd=dbpassword",
    "ContentSql": "SELECT id, name, CASE WHEN leaf_flag=1 THEN 0 WHEN leaf_flag=0 THEN 1 WHEN type=1 THEN 3 WHEN type=2 THEN 2 ELSE NULL END AS content_type, ReportType AS report_type, isDeleted AS deleted_flag, dateCreated AS created_date, createdByUserId AS created_by, dateLastModified AS modified_date, lastModifiedByUserId AS modified_by, OwnerId AS owner_id, themeType AS content_attribute, bit_content as bit_content, content AS text_content FROM Reports ORDER BY dateCreated",
    "AccessSql": "SELECT ReportId AS id, ParentId AS parent_id, PartyType+1 AS party_type_id, CASE WHEN PartyType=0 THEN NULL ELSE PartyId END AS party_id, Sortorder AS sort_order, CASE WHEN ReportAccess.ReadOnly=1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as edit_access, CASE WHEN ReportAccess.ReadOnly=1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as save_access, CASE WHEN ReportAccess.CanRename=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as rename_access, CASE WHEN ReportAccess.CanShare=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as share_access, CASE WHEN ReportAccess.ReadOnly=1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as delete_access, 1 as execute_access, 1 as copy_access, 1 as download_access, 1 as export_access, CASE WHEN ReportAccess.ReadOnly=1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as remove_access, 1 as view_access, 1 as share_access FROM ReportAccess ",
"sqlite": {
	"DbType": "SQLite",
	"DbProvider": "SQLite",
	"ConnectionString": "Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exago\ExagoWeb\Config\StorageManagement.sqlite",
	"ContentSql": "SELECT content_id as id, name, content_type, report_type, deleted_flag, created_date, created_by, modified_date, modified_by, owner_id, content_attribute, bit_content, text_content FROM content WHERE content_id != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' ",
	"AccessSql": "SELECT content_id AS id, parent_id, party_type_id, party_id, sort_order, access_flags & 0x0001 as edit_access, access_flags & 0x0002 as save_access, access_flags & 0x0004 as rename_access, access_flags & 0x0008 as share_access, access_flags & 0x0010 as delete_access, access_flags & 0x0020 as execute_access, access_flags & 0x0040 as copy_access, access_flags & 0x0080 as download_access, access_flags & 0x0100 as view_access, access_flags FROM content_access ",
Table D — DatabaseToJson.config.json Definition
Name Type Description
ConnectionString string Connection string to connect to the legacy storage source database.
DbType string

The type of source database. Must be one of the following:

  • Sqlite
  • Mysql
  • SqlServer — Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
DbProvider string

Driver to use for connection to the source database


Use the applicable driver name from the Admin Console > TreeGeneral.png General > TreeGeneralNode.png Database Settings.

contentSQL string

SQL statement to read content from the source database.

Modify the names of the applicable columns in the source database.

Review the Storage Management: Database Schema article for information.

accessSQL string

SQL statement to read access rights from the source database.

Modify the names of the applicable columns in the SQL statement to match those in the source database.

Review the Storage Management: Database Schema article for information.

outputFile string

The fully qualified file name of the intermediate JSON file that will be output.

If there is no path, the file will be saved in the directory where DatabaseToJson is run from.

Access Flags

Review Intermediate JSON File below and the Storage Management: Introduction article to learn about each of these access flags.

Manually Editing the Intermediate JSON File

In some circumstances, customizing the intermediate JSON file may be desirable or needed to properly set permissions on the content in the destination database. The contents of the JSON file and an explanation of each element can be found in the Intermediate JSON File section of this article.


A log file named DatabaseToJson.log is saved to DatabasetoJson‘s installation directory, typically <WebApp>bin where <WebApp> represents the Web Application’s installation directory. Send this file to the Exago Support Dept when asking for assistance in troubleshooting this utility.


FileSystemToJson is used to read one or more directories on a local file system and generate an intermediate JSON file describing the contents of those directories. If required, modifications can be made to this JSON file before loading content into the Storage Management database.


If customizing the JSON file is not necessary, LoadReportsToDb can read from a file system repository directly without first having to create an intermediate JSON file.

Command Line Structure

If the last parameter is not an existing directory it is assumed to be the path to the output file.

FileSystemToJson.exe <directory> {<directory> ..} {outputfile}
Command Line Parameters
Table E — FileSystemToJson Command Line Parameter Definitions
Parameter Description/Usage

At least one directory must be specified for FileSystemToJson to read. Typically, this is Exago’s Report Path and the Themes directory.

Additional directories may be specified by separating them with a space.


An optional path and file name to give the JSON file the utility will generate.

If not specified here, the file will be named FileSystem.json in the directory FileSystemToJson is in.

Common Usage Examples

Create JSON file in default directory: Read the contents of a file system report repository located at C:ExagoReports and any themes located in C:ExagoThemes. JSON file will be created in <WebApp>binFileSystem.json.

FileSystemToJson.exe C:ExagoReports C:ExagoThemes

Sample output:

12:00:39 INFO - Export Starts
12:00:40 INFO - from:'C:ExagoReports'
12:00:40 INFO - to:c:ExagobinFileSystem.json
12:00:40 INFO - Loading from C:ExagoReports
12:00:40 INFO - Loading from C:ExagoThemes

Create JSON file in specified directory: Read the contents of a file system report repository located in C:ExagoReports, any templates at C:ExagoTemplates and any themes located in C:ExagoThemes. JSON file will be created in D:MyContent.json.

FileSystemToJson.exe C:ExagoReports C:ExagoTemplates C:ExagoThemes D:MyContent.json

Sample output:

12:02:39 INFO - Export Starts
12:02:39 INFO - from:'C:ExagoReports'
12:02:39 INFO - to:D:MyContent.json
12:02:39 INFO - Loading from C:ExagoReports
12:02:39 INFO - Loading from C:ExagoTemplates
12:02:39 INFO - Loading from C:ExagoThemes
Manually Editing the Intermediate JSON File

In some circumstances, customizing the intermediate JSON file may be desirable or needed to properly set permissions on the content in the destination database. The contents of the JSON file and an explanation of each element can be found in the Intermediate JSON File section of this article.

Access Flags

In a file system storage mechanism, all users have access to all content without restriction. Access controls are determined by use of Roles. FileSystemToJson will accordingly grant all access to all content.

By default FileSystemToJson will set:

  • AccessFlags to 1111111111111111 granting all access permissions.
  • ReportAccessList to be empty.

Review Intermediate JSON File below and the Storage Management: Introduction article to learn about each of these access flags.


A log file named FileSystemToJson.log is saved to FileSystemToJson‘s installation directory, typically <WebApp>bin where <WebApp> represents the Web Application’s installation directory. Send this file to the Exago Support Dept when asking for assistance in troubleshooting this utility.


LoadReportsToDb is used for three different operations: initialize, load and read.

  1. Initialize sets up the Storage Management database with the schema and default party types. It should be the first operation run on a new database.
  2. Load interprets the contents of either an intermediate JSON file, a file system directory or cloud storage repository and loads their contents into the Storage Management database.
  3. Read verifies a Load operation by reading the contents of the Storage Management database and displaying it in a hierarchical directory structure. Can also be called at any time to review the database’s content and default party types.
Command Line Structure


The command line parameters need to be called in the order they are documented below.

LoadReportsToDb.exe {-t [Sqlite|Mysql|SqlServer|Oracle|Postgresql]} -c <connection string> {-d <driver name|Sqlite>} {-p <table-prefix>} {-o <timeout_in_seconds> } {-I} {-L <jsonFile>} {-D <directory>} {-W <cloudspec>} {-R}
Command Line Parameters


Table F — LoadReportsToDb Command Line Parameter Definitions
Parameter Description/Usage
-t <Sqlite | Mysql | SqlServer | Oracle | Postgresql>

Storage Management database type

Choose one of the following:

  • Sqlite (default)
  • Mysql
  • SqlServer — Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
-c <connection_string>

Connection string to the Storage Management database. For SQLite, only the path and file name of the database file are required.

When connecting to a PostgreSQL Storage Management database, include Unicode=true in the connection string.

This parameter is required for all use of LoadReportsToDb

-d <driver_name | Sqlite>

Driver to use for connection to the Storage Management database

Defaults to SQLite for SQLite (-t Sqlite). If not using SQLite, must be explicitly specified.


Use the applicable driver name from the Admin Console > TreeGeneral.png General > TreeGeneralNode.png Database Settings.

-p <prefix_or_schema>

An optional prefix for all Storage Management database tables. Review the Storage Management: Database Schema article for information.

This option can be used to add a table name prefix or a schema if it exists.


  1. -p test_ will result in tables named test_content, test_party_type, test_content_access and test_storage_meta
  2. -p dbo. will result in tables named dbo.content, dbo.party_type, dbo.content_access and dbo.storage_meta
-o <timeout_in_seconds> v2020.1.12+ An optional integer value to be passed along to the database driver’s CommandTimeout property.
It is up to the driver what to do with this value. It is important to note that each individual driver may implement the handling of this value differently. Therefore, its consequences may vary.
The value must be greater than 0.
-I Initialize operation


Create the tables, load the default party types and setup the base configuration in the Storage Management database.

Initialize will create two new folders in the file structure: Public with Everyone permissions and My Reports with User permissions.

If -t is Sqlite, and the SQLite file does not exist at the connection string specified by -c, the file will be created.

-R Read operation


Read the “file structure” of the Storage Management database, and display it in a hierarchical format, similar to the operating system command tree.

Useful for verifying the contents of the database after a JSON load (-L), directory load (-D) or web load (-W) operation.

-L <path_to_json_file> Load operation (JSON)

Read an intermediate JSON file created by DatabaseToJson or FileSystemtoJson and load its contents into the Storage Management database.


Reports with duplicate IDs will be assigned new IDs and a warning will be displayed to that affect.

-D <directory>

Load operation (Directory)

Read the report and other contents of the specified directory and load it into the Storage Management database. Bypasses the manual creation of the intermediate JSON file and reads the directory directly into the database.

Do not include the trailing slash at the end of the directory path.


If converting from File System storage, specify the Report Path here to directly load reports into the database from the legacy file system.

The Themes directory can also be read with the -D parameter.

Each directory to be imported must be prefixed with it’s own -D.

Reports with duplicate IDs will be assigned new IDs and a warning will be displayed to that affect.

-W <cloudspec> Load operation (Cloud/Web)


Read the report and other contents of the cloud storage repository referenced by cloudspec and load it into the Storage Management Database. Bypasses the manual creation of the intermediate JSON file and reads the contents directly into the database.


If converting from Cloud storage, specify the Report Path here to directly load reports into the database from the cloud repository.

Reports with duplicate IDs will be assigned new IDs and a warning will be displayed to that effect.

Common Usage Examples

Upgrading to Storage Management in a test environment: Initialize a SQLite database located at D:StorageMgmt.sqlite, read the contents of a file system report repository located at C:ExagoReports and any themes located in C:ExagoThemes then load it into the SQLite database.

LoadReportsToDb.exe -c D:StorageMgmt.sqlite -I -D C:ExagoReports -D C:ExagoThemes

Sample output:

20:31:07 INFO  - LoadReportsToDb -c D:StorageMgmt.sqlite -D C:ExagoReports C:ExagoThemes
20:31:07 INFO  - We are in 32bit mode
20:31:07 INFO  - Loading from C:ExagoReports
20:31:16 WARN  - Duplicate Id found, e8382e37-53ae-4bcc-a804-11cbf448a9be, for Report 'General ReportsDashboard', new id will be created
20:31:34 INFO  - Load Completed:Folder:17 Report:159 Template:1
20:31:34 INFO  - Execution Completed

Upgrading to Storage Management from a cloud storage repository: Initialize an Oracle database with default table names, read the contents of an Amazon S3 repository and load it into the database.

LoadReportsToDb.exe -t Oracle -d Oracle.DataAccess.Client -c "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myOracleServer)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=ORCL))); User Id=ORACLE_DB; Password=ORACLE_PASSWORD;"
 -W "pathtype=s3;region='myRegion';accesskey='myAccessKey';secretkey='mySecretKey';bucketname='myBucketName'"

Upgrading to Storage Management with a MySQL database and different table names: Initialize a MySQL database with table prefix dukane; read the contents of a file system report repository located at C:ExagoReports and any themes located in C:ExagoThemes then load it into the MySQL database.

LoadReportsToDb.exe -t Mysql -d Devart.Data.Mysql -c "Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;" -p dukane_ -I -D C:ExagoReports -D C:ExagoThemes

Sample output:

11:05:29 INFO  - We are in 32bit mode
11:05:29 INFO  - Found Schema File at 'c:ExagoConfigOtherStorageMgmtSchema.json'
11:05:29 WARN  - [ContentDatabase.DbQuery.GetFactory] Getting DbProviderFactory for 'Devart.Data.Mysql'
11:05:31 INFO  - Loading from C:ExagoReports
11:05:32 WARN  - [ContentDatabase.DbQuery.GetFactory] Getting DbProviderFactory for 'Devart.Data.Mysql'
11:05:43 WARN  - Duplicate Id found, e8382e37-53ae-4bcc-a804-11cbf448a9be, for Report 'General ReportsDashboard', new id will be created
11:06:11 WARN  - Duplicate Id found, fdfd25ea-8ea2-4205-a891-830ab8e449d5, for Report 'ReportsSales Figures', new id will be created
11:06:23 INFO  - Load Completed:Folder:17 Report:159 Template:1
11:06:23 INFO  - Loading from C:ExagoThemes
11:06:23 WARN  - [ContentDatabase.DbQuery.GetFactory] Getting DbProviderFactory for 'Devart.Data.Mysql'
11:06:36 INFO  - Load Completed:Theme:57
11:06:36 INFO  - Execution Completed

Load an intermediate JSON file into an existing Storage Management database: Load an intermediate JSON file created by FileSystemToJson located at <WebApp>binFileSystem.json to a Microsoft SQL Server database that has already been initialized.

LoadReportsToDb -t SqlServer -d System.Data.SqlClient -c "Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;" -L FileSystem.json

Verify the contents of an intermediate JSON file has been loaded correctly into a MySQL database:

LoadReportsToDb -t Mysql -d Devart.Data.Mysql -c "Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;" -R

 Sample output:


Standard Reports are the legacy name for Advanced Reports. CrossTabs are also considered Advanced Reports.

11:48:05 INFO  - LoadReportsToDb -c D:StorageMgmt.sqlite -R
11:48:05 INFO  - We are in 32bit mode
11:48:05 INFO  - Report Contents of Database

Advanced Reports (Inherit:False DefaultPartyType:Everyone)
|--Advanced Report (Blank) (Standard, Everyone)
|--Advanced Report (Blank) (Standard, User)
|--Advanced Report 1 (Standard, Everyone)
|--Advanced Report 1 (Standard, User)
|--Exports (Inherit:True DefaultPartyType:User)
|  |--onlyExportToAllExceptPDF (Advanced, User)
|  |--onlyExportToCSV (Standard, User)
|  |--onlyExportToPDF (Standard, User)
|  |--onlyExportToRTF (Standard, User)
|  |--onlyExportToXLS (Standard, User)
Chained Reports (Inherit:False DefaultPartyType:Everyone)
|--Chained Report With Prompt (Chained, Everyone)
|--For Exports (Inherit:True DefaultPartyType:User)
|  |--exportTypeAllExceptPDF (Chained, User)
|  |--exportTypeCSVOnly (Chained, User)
|  |--exportTypePDFOnly (Chained, User)
|  |--exportTypeRTFOnly (Chained, User)
|  |--exportTypeXLSOnly (Chained, User)
Chart Tests (Inherit:True DefaultPartyType:User)
|--Charting (Inherit:False DefaultPartyType:Everyone)
|  |--4+ Charts (Standard, Everyone)
|  |--Bar Chart (Standard, Everyone)
|  |--Bubble Chart (Standard, Everyone)
|  |--Revenue by Employee by Month (Standard, Everyone)
|  |--YTD (Standard, Everyone)
|--Geocharts (Inherit:False DefaultPartyType:Everyone)
|  |--Geocharts Report (Standard, Everyone)
|  |--Geocharts Report No Map (Standard, Everyone)
|--Google Map (Inherit:False DefaultPartyType:Everyone)
|  |--Google Map Report 1 (Standard, Everyone)
|  |--Google Map Report with Custom Aggregates (Standard, Everyone)
Charting (Inherit:False DefaultPartyType:Everyone)
|--4+ Charts (Standard, Everyone)
|--Bar Chart (Standard, Everyone)
|--Bubble Chart (Standard, Everyone)
|--Charting Report (Standard, Everyone)
|--Column Chart (Standard, Everyone)
|--Line Chart (Standard, Everyone)
|--MinimumGauge (Standard, Everyone)
|--MultiAxis Chart (Standard, Everyone)
|--Multi-Series Pie Chart (Standard, Everyone)
|--Pseudo Crosstab Chart (Standard, Everyone)
|--Revenue by Employee by Month (Standard, Everyone)
|--YTD (Standard, Everyone)
Duplicate ID Warning

If during the loading operation duplicate report IDs are found, the LoadReportsToDb will display a warning similar to the one below:

20:31:16 WARN - Duplicate Id found, e8382e37-53ae-4bcc-a804-11cbf448a9be, for Report 'General ReportsDashboard', new id will be created

While not an indication of failure,  duplicate IDs could cause Scheduler Services to lose track of the report. This would mean the next time a report is saved, the change will not be pushed to all of the Scheduler Services, or the wrong report will be pushed to them.

To remedy this:

  1. Search for and delete the duplicate GUIDs from each Scheduler Service’s working directory.
  2. Re-schedule the report in the application.

The location of the working directory can be found in the Scheduler Service’s configuration file. More information can be found the Scheduler Service Configuration article.


Re-scheduling is only required when warnings about duplicated IDs appear, not for every report schedule in a system.


A log file named LoadReportsToDb.log is saved to LoadReportToDb‘s installation directory, typically <WebApp>bin where <WebApp> represents the Web Application’s installation directory. Send this file to the Exago Support Dept when asking for assistance in troubleshooting this utility.

Upgrading from File System or Cloud Storage






This section will describe a generic step-by-step process to upgrade an existing legacy file system or cloud storage implementation to Exago’s Storage Management system.

Access rights will be imported with global (everyone) access.

  1. Identify the location of the Reports, Themes and Templates.
  2. Backup the contents of the legacy storage mechanism.
  3. Create the destination Storage Management database. User permissions can be found in the Storage Management: Database Schema article. If using SQLite, skip this step.
  4. Run LoadReportsToDb with the applicable command line parameters as described above. To load report and chart themes, be sure to include the path to the themes directories.
  5. Verify the load operation completed correctly by running LoadReportsToDb

    -R (along with any database specific parameters as applicable). The output will show the directory structure stored in the database.

  6. Navigate to TreeStorageMgmt.png Storage Management within the Admin Console. Refer to the Storage Management article in the Admin Console section for an explanation of what each of these settings is and what values to provide.
    1. Set the Database Type, Database Provider and Database Connection.
    2. Set the Tables names.
    3. Click the Check Database Settings button to make sure Exago can connect to the Storage Management database and that the schema is correct.
    4. Set the values of the four Identity keys if desired. Since FileSystemToJson or LoadReportsToDb -D will use system for the owner ID during import, we suggest using system as the value for Owner ID in the Admin Console for file system replacements.
    5. Set the Default Settings for access rights if desired. To emulate the previous file system behavior, review the suggestions in the Emulating a Legacy Storage Mechanism section of the Storage Management: Getting Started article on how to set these values.
    6. Set the Cache Settings if desired.
  7. Update any API integration code to account for the Storage Management identity keys as the application is entered.
  8. Load the Exago Web Application to verify that it loads without errors and that:
    • users are seeing the correct folders and reports
    • users are not seeing folders and reports that they should not have access to
    • themes are available to the ExpressView Designer, Advanced Report Designer, CrossTab Designer, Charts and GeoCharts
    • template files are available to their corresponding reports

Transition to Storage Management is now complete.

Upgrading from Folder Management

This section will describe a generic step-by-step process to upgrade an existing folder management implementation using Exago’s folder management example to the new Storage Management system.

Clients should contact their Customer Success Manager or open a Services Ticket for guidance about transitioning a custom folder management implementation to Storage Management.

Access rights will be imported to match the folder management implementation.

  1. Backup the existing folder management database.
  2. Create or edit the <WebApp>binDatabaseToJson.config.json file with the parameters to match the source database schema.
  3. Run DatabaseToJson to generate an intermediate JSON file.
  4. Create the destination Storage Management database. User access permissions can be found in the Storage Management: Database Schema article. If using SQLite, skip this step.
  5. Run LoadReportsToDb with the applicable command line parameters as described above. To load report and chart themes, be sure to include the path to the themes directories.
  6. Verify the load operation completed correctly by running LoadReportsToDb

    -R (along with any database specific parameters as applicable). The output will show the directory structure stored in the database.

  7. Configure Exago to use the Storage Management database with the Admin Console. Navigate to TreeStorageMgmt.png Storage Management within the Admin Console. Refer to the Storage Management article in the Admin Console section for an explanation of what each of these settings is and what values to provide.
    1. Set the Database Type, Database Provider and Database Connection.
    2. Set the Tables names.
    3. Click the Check Database Settings button to make sure Exago can connect to the Storage Management database and that the schema is correct.
    4. Set the values of the four Identity keys if desired.
    5. Set the Default Settings for access rights if desired. To emulate the previous Folder Management behavior, review the suggestions in the Emulating a Legacy Storage Mechanism section of the Storage Management: Getting Started article on how to set these values.
    6. Set the Cache Settings if desired.
  8. Update any API integration code to account for the Storage Management identity keys as the application is entered.
  9. Load the Exago Web Application to verify that it loads without errors and that:
    • users are seeing the correct folders and reports
    • users are not seeing folders and reports that they should not have access to
    • themes are available to the ExpressView Designer, Advanced Report Designer, CrossTab Designer, Charts and GeoCharts
    • template files are available to their corresponding reports

Transition to Storage Management is now complete.

Upgrading from Web Service (SOAP) Storage

Clients who have implemented a SOAP Web Service for content storage are encouraged to reach out to their Customer Success Manager or to open a Services Ticket for guidance.

Piecemeal Transition

To transition a small number of reports (e.g. one at a time), use the Download and Upload capability in the Report Tree of the Web Application user interface.

  1. Enable Admin Console > General > Feature/UI Settings > Show Report Upload/Download Options in both the legacy version and the v2020.1+ version.
  2. In the legacy installation, right-click the report and choose Download.png Download to save the report definition to the local ocmputer.
  3. In the v2020.1+ installation, right-click the desired destination folder and choose Upload.png Upload to upload the report definition to the application.

Intermediate JSON File

The CloudToJson, FileSystemToJson and DatabaseToJson utilities create an intermediate JSON file defining the contents of their respective source storage mechanism. A sample JSON file generated by FileSystemToJson defining a single folder named “My Folder” containing a single report named “test” is shown below. A Microsoft Excel template file is also included.

Editing of this file may be necessary to customize permissions or other parameters before loading into the database. The file’s location is determined by the utility used. Review the sections above for details.

A definition of the structure of the file is detailed below in the Structure section.

    "OwnerId": null,
    "CreatedBy": null,
    "ModifiedBy": null,
    "CreatedDate": "2020-02-21T11:18:36.0473673-05:00",
    "ModifiedDate": "2020-02-21T11:19:20.3949126-05:00",
    "IsDeleted": false,
    "Metadata": {
      "SortOrder": null,
      "ContentXML": null,
      "ContentData": null,
      "AccessFlags": 65535,
      "ExtendedAttributes": null,
      "FullName": "My Folder",
      "ContentId": "c242735e-34d5-40ab-901c-9849d1790998",
      "ParentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "IsFolder": true,
      "IsReport": false,
      "ReportType": 0,
      "ContentType": 1,
      "Name": "My Folder",
      "Attribute": null,
      "Folder": "",
      "Description": null,
      "Path": "C:\ExagoReports\Reports\My Folder",
      "AllowedOutputTypes": 0,
      "ClientData": null,
      "ExtensionData": null,
      "AllowOutputHtml": false,
      "AllowOutputPdf": false,
      "AllowOutputCsv": false,
      "AllowOutputExcel": false,
      "AllowOutputRtf": false,
      "CanRename": true,
      "CanShare": true,
      "IsReadOnly": false
    "ReportAccessList": [],
    "Children": [
        "OwnerId": null,
        "CreatedBy": null,
        "ModifiedBy": null,
        "CreatedDate": "2020-02-21T11:17:07.8474847-05:00",
        "ModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T14:52:07.8892432-04:00",
        "IsDeleted": false,
        "Metadata": {
          "SortOrder": null,
          "ContentData": null,
          "AccessFlags": 65535,
          "ExtendedAttributes": null,
          "FullName": "My Folder\test",
          "ContentId": "784b1167-c0f9-42f8-8045-a2b690cf9d9a",
          "ParentId": "c242735e-34d5-40ab-901c-9849d1790998",
          "IsFolder": false,
          "IsReport": true,
          "ReportType": 0,
          "ContentType": 0,
          "Name": "test",
          "Attribute": null,
          "Folder": "My Folder",
          "Description": "",
          "Path": "C:\ExagoReports\Reports\My Folder\test.wr",
          "AllowedOutputTypes": 31,
          "ClientData": null,
          "ExtensionData": null,
          "AllowOutputHtml": true,
          "AllowOutputPdf": true,
          "AllowOutputCsv": true,
          "AllowOutputExcel": true,
          "AllowOutputRtf": true,
          "CanRename": true,
          "CanShare": true,
          "IsReadOnly": false
        "ReportAccessList": [],
        "Children": [],
        "OriginalId": null
    "OriginalId": null
    "OwnerId": null,
    "CreatedBy": null,
    "ModifiedBy": null,
    "CreatedDate": "2020-02-20T13:20:31.5527279-05:00",
    "ModifiedDate": "2020-02-20T13:20:31.5527279-05:00",
    "IsDeleted": false,
    "Metadata": {
      "SortOrder": null,
      "ContentXML": null,
      "AccessFlags": 65535,
      "ExtendedAttributes": null,
      "FullName": "MyTemplate8.xlsx",
      "ContentId": "7d2f0719-c12e-41d9-9804-c4e18e7b65d6",
      "ParentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "IsFolder": false,
      "IsReport": false,
      "ReportType": 0,
      "ContentType": 3,
      "Name": "MyTemplate8.xlsx",
      "Attribute": null,
      "Folder": "",
      "Description": null,
      "Path": "C:\ExagoReports\Reports\MyTemplate8.xlsx",
      "AllowedOutputTypes": 0,
      "ClientData": null,
      "ExtensionData": null,
      "AllowOutputHtml": false,
      "AllowOutputPdf": false,
      "AllowOutputCsv": false,
      "AllowOutputExcel": false,
      "AllowOutputRtf": false,
      "CanRename": true,
      "CanShare": true,
      "IsReadOnly": false
    "ReportAccessList": [],
    "Children": [],
    "OriginalId": null


The intermediate JSON file contains an array of Content objects.

Content JSON

Table G — Content JSON Structure
Name Type Description
OwnerID string The user ID of the user who is the owner of this content item. The value of this column is read from a folder management database.
For file system and cloud imports, this value will be null.
CreatedBy string The user ID of the user who created this content item. The value of this column is read from a folder management database.
For file system and cloud imports, this value will be null.
ModifiedBy string The user ID of the user who last saved modified this content item. The value of this column is read from a folder management database.
For file system and cloud imports, this value will be null.
CreatedDate string Timestamp indicating the date, time and time zone offset when CreatedBy created this content item.
ModifiedDate string Timestamp indicating the date, time and time zone offset when ModifiedBy modified this content item.
IsDeleted boolean Indicates whether or not this item is to be marked as deleted for all users.
For file system and cloud imports, this value will be always be false.
MetaData MetaData A JSON object that represents the metadata for this content item. See Table H below.
ReportAccessList array of ReportAccessItem objects An array of ReportAccessItem JSON objects which set the accessibility of this content item. See Table I below.
Children array of Content objects If this content item is a container for other items (i.e. it is a folder), this is an array of the Content JSON items that are contained in the folder.
OriginalId String The ID of this content item as referred to by the legacy storage system.
For file system and cloud imports, this value will be null.

MetaData JSON

The contents of this JSON object closely mimic the fields in the Storage Management database’s Content and Content Access tables.

Table H — MetaData JSON Structure
Name Type Description
SortOrder string This field is for future use and is not yet implemented. Value will always be null.
ContentXML string If this content item is a report or a theme, then its XML content will be stored as text in this column.
ContentData string If this content item is a template file or other binary object, an ASCII representation of the file contents will be stored in this field.
AccessFlags integer

If ReportAccessList is empty, a bitmap indicating which access permissions are allowed for the content item, where 1 indicates the action is permitted and 0 indicates the action is not permitted.

If ReportAccessList is not empty, then the AccessFlags of each ReportAccessItem object will determine permissions.

See Storage Management: Database Schema, content_access Table, access_flags Column for more information and examples.

ExtendedAttributes string This field is reserved for use by Exago clients, for storing metadata about content as they see fit in their custom implementation. Value will always be null.
FullName string

The name of the content item, including it’s path from the root.

For example, for a report named test in a folder named My Folder, this field would be “My Folder\test

ContentId string A GUID representing this content item in the destination Storage Management database.
ParentId string

If ReportAccessList is empty, a GUID representing the ContentId field of this item’s parent. For example, for a report this would be the GUID of the folder containing it.

If 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, this item is in the root.

If ReportAccessList is not empty and this content item is a report, this field is ignored.

IsFolder boolean Indicates if this content item represents a folder. True if it is a folder, False if it is not.
IsReport boolean Indicates if this content item is a report. True if it is a report, False if it is not.
ReportType wrReportType If IsReport is True, this value represents the type of report this item is.
ContentType integer The type of content this item represents.
See Storage Management: Database Schema, content Table, content_type Column for more information and examples.
Name string The name of this content item.
For example, for a report named test in a contained folder named My Folder, this column would be “test
Attribute string If this content item represents a chart or report theme, this column describes the type of chart or report that it applies to. For example, Map or CrossTab.
Folder string The name of the folder this content item is contained in.
For example, for a report named test in a contained folder named My Folder, this column would be “My Folder
Description string The description text assigned to a report when it is saved.
Path string

The absolute file system location pointing to this content item prior to import.

For example, for a report named test contained in a folder named My Folder, this column would be “C:\ExagoReports\My Folder\test.wr”

AllowedOutputTypes integer

A bitmap indicating which export types are allowed for the content item, where 1 indicates an export type is permitted and 0 indicates an export type is not permitted.

See Storage Management: Database Schema, content Table, exports_allowed Column for more information.

ClientData String Content of the UDF metadata string from a custom folder management implementation.
ExtensionData String This field is for future functionality and is not implemented yet.
AllowOutputHtml boolean Deprecated. This column will not be read during the import process. Instead, set access permissions with the AllowedOutputTypes.
AllowOutpoutPdf boolean Deprecated. This column will not be read during the import process. Instead, set access permissions with the AllowedOutputTypes.
AllowOutputCsv boolean Deprecated. This column will not be read during the import process. Instead, set access permissions with the AllowedOutputTypes.
AllowOutputExcel boolean Deprecated. This column will not be read during the import process. Instead, set access permissions with the AllowedOutputTypes.
AllowOutputRtf boolean Deprecated. This column will not be read during the import process. Instead, set access permissions with the AllowedOutputTypes.
CanRename boolean Deprecated. This column will not be read during the import process. Instead, set access permissions with the AccessFlags.
CanShare boolean Deprecated. This column will not be read during the import process. Instead, set access permissions with the AccessFlags.
IsReadOnly boolean Deprecated. This column will not be read during the import process. Instead, set access permissions with the AccessFlags.

ReportAccessItem JSON

LoadReportsToDb will generate Content Access table entries based on these ReportAccessItems.

Table I — ReportAccessItem JSON Structure
Name Type Description
Parent string Id of the content item that this item appears as a child to.
PartyTypeId integer Refer to Storage Management: Database Schema Table D.
PartyId string

The value of the corresponding identity key that this ReportAccessItem controls.

For example, if PartyTypeId is 4, this is the value of UserId for which the AccessFlags will apply.

SortOrder string Content is sorted first by the value in this column, then by name (case in-sensitive).
AccessFlags integer

A bitmap indicating which access permissions are allowed for the content item, where 1 indicates the action is permitted and 0 indicates the action is not permitted.

See Storage Management: Database Schema, content_access Table, access_flags Column for more information and examples.

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