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Custom Aggregate Function: AggDistinctAvg()

Review the documentation on Custom Aggregate Functions for full details on developing and implementing this function.

Description Returns the average of only unique values in a series of values.
  • dataToAggregate: the value to include the calculation, accepts data fields or cell references. Required.
  • recordLevel: indicates whether to aggregate by recordLevel (true) or entity level (false). Optional, defaults to true if not provided.
  • WebReports.Api.Common
  • WebReports.Api.Custom
  • System.Collections.Generic
  • System.Core.dll
Example AggDistinctAvg({OrderDetails.Quantity})

Program Code

public class AggDistinctAvg : ICustomAggregator
    HashSet<Decimal> list = new HashSet<Decimal>();
	public void AddValue(SessionInfo sessionInfo, object value, params object[] args)
		Decimal curVal;
        if (value == null)
            curVal = 0;
        else if (!Decimal.TryParse(value.ToString(), out curVal))
            throw new WrAggregationException(@"Tried to take the average of a set
                                              containing a non-number");

	public object Result(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
        Decimal sum = 0;
        foreach (Decimal val in list)
            sum += val;
        return sum/this.list.Count; // should never be 0
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