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REST – GetExecute

GetExecute is used to execute reports in the API, without opening an instance of Exago. If executing as text, i.e. HTML, CSV, or JSON, then the output data is returned directly in the ExecuteData property.

If executing as binary (i.e. PDF, RTF, or Excel workbook), then ExecuteData will return different responses depending on if Exago is running in a web-farm environment or not.

Not In a Web Farm In a Web Farm
Either as:

  • URL string in the following format:

    To download the output data, append the URL to the end of your Exago base URL and launch the full URL string in a browser:


    The string is one-use only. To re-download the file, you must create a new Export Url.

  • A base64 encoded representation of the output file.To display the output data, process the information from the ExecuteData property and send it to the browser.
A base64 encoded representation of the output file.

To display the output data, process the information from the ExecuteData property and send it to the browser.


All requests require Session Id URL parameter and basic request headers. In the following examples, headers are omitted for clarity.

Since GetExecute does not load the full Exago user interface, report interactivity is not supported for these functions. However, the following Server Events are triggered by GetExecute in order to ensure that the data returned accurately reflects the report design:

Report JSON

The path to the report is passed as part of a JSON object, with optional sorts and filters. Any sorts and filters are added only for this execution, and do not persist throughout the session.

Table B — Report JSON Properties
Name Type Writable Description
Id string required* Can be used to retrieve a report from the Storage Management database in lieu of the ReportPath property below in v2021.1+
ReportPath string required* Full path from the root folder to the report
DataType ExecuteDataType yes Choose how Exago shall return the data to the client, either as raw data or as a URL.
Sorts array of Sort yes Any sorts to apply to the report during execution
Filters array of Filter yes Any filters to apply to the report during execution
* either the Id or ReportPath must be specified but not both

Execute a Report

POST /Reports/Execute/{Type}

Type indicates which format you want to receive the output data: html, csv, pdf, pdfsnapshot, rtf, excel, json.

Using curl

curl http://{webservice}/rest/Reports/Execute/csv?sid={sid} -X POST ^
	-d "{'ReportPath':'Inventory\\Products'}"


Windows file paths are delimited with double-backslashes: . With Storage Management in v2020.1+, the double slash is no longer necessary.

Output JSON

GetExecute returns the following JSON object:

Table C — Output JSON
Name Type Description
ReportPath string Full path from the root folder to this report
ExportType string Format of export data
DataType ExecuteDataType How Exago has returned the data to the client, either as binary encoded string or as a URL.
ExecuteData string The output of the GetExecute() method, either as a URL or binary encoded string based on the DataType property.
IsError boolean Whether there were any errors when executing the report
ErrorList array of string If IsError = true, a list of errors encountered when executing this report


Output a CSV file:

POST /rest/Reports/Execute/csv
Status: 200 OK

  "ReportPath":  "Inventory\\Categories",
  "ExportType":  "csv",
  "DataType":    "Data",
  "ExecuteData": ""Categories"\r\n"Beverages"\r\n"Condiments"\r\n"Confections"\r\n"Dairy Products"\r\n"Grains/Cereals"\r\n"Meat/Poultry"\r\n"Produce"\r\n"Seafood"\r\n",
  "IsError":     false,
  "ErrorList":   null

Output a PDF file:

POST /rest/Reports/Execute/pdf
Status: 200 OK
	"ReportPath": "Products",
	"ExportType": "Pdf",
	"DataType": "Data",
	"IsError": false,
	"ErrorList": null


Each run-time sort is supplied using the following JSON object:

Table D — Sort JSON Properties
Name Type Writeable Description
EntityName string required Data object to sort on
ColumnName string required Column to sort on
AscendingFlag boolean yes (false) Whether to sort in ascending (versus descending) order

Filter JSON

Each run-time filter is supplied using the following JSON object:

Table E — Filter JSON Properties
Name Type Writeable Description
FilterText string required The value of the filter, either a Category name or a formula. For example:

  • Employees.EmployeeName
  • =Month(Employees.BirthDate)
DataType enum yes (“string”) Data Field Type
Operator enum as integer yes (0) Filter Operator Type (only accepts integer value)
Values array of string yes Values to filter with
EntityName string deprecated (as of v2018.1) Data object to filter on
ColumnName string deprecated (as of v2018.1) Column to filter on


DateTime strings passed as filter values must be able to be parsed by the .NET method DateTime.Parse using the current thread culture.

Execute with Sorts and Filters

POST /rest/Reports/Execute/{Type}

Type indicates which format you want to receive the output data: html, csv, pdf, pdfsnapshot, rtf, excel, json.

Using curl

curl http://{webservice}/rest/Reports/Execute/csv?sid={sid} -X POST ^
	-d @reportExecuteResource.txt


  'ReportPath': 'Inventory\\Categories',
  'Sorts': [
      'EntityName': 'Categories',
      'ColumnName': 'CategoryName',
      'AscendingFlag': false
  'Filters': [
      'FilterText': 'Category.CategoryName'
      'DataType': 'string',
      'Operator': 14,
      'Values': [

Example response

Status: 200 OK

  "ReportPath":  "Inventory\\Categories",
  "ExportType":  "csv",
  "DataType":    "Data",
  "ExecuteData": ""Categories"\r\n"Seafood"\r\n"Produce"\r\n"Beverages"\r\n",
  "IsError":     false,
  "ErrorList":   null
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