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REST Web Service API

Using JSON

The Exago REST API is JSON-based.Data sent to the API methods is formatted in JSON, and the methods return JSON formatted response objects. In order to use the REST API you need to convert your data to, and from JSON. What is JSON? JSON is a data-interchange format that is ...

REST – Storage Management

Viewing and modifying the Storage Management configuration via the REST Web Service API is available in Exago v2020.1+.

REST – Sessions

Sessions are the means by which REST persists changes through multiple API calls. A REST session allows for you to easily encapsulate a group of user-specific changes.

REST – Server Events

Server events can be accessed for reference and disabled for the session. Server events cannot currently be created or edited using REST.

REST – SchedulesV2

Viewing, creating, modifying, and deleting schedules via the REST Web Service API is available in Exago v2021.1.1+. This feature requires the installation and proper configuration of the Scheduler Service.

REST – Role Security

Roles are collections of security settings for users of the application. They are used to distinguish classes of users by access rights. Setting an active role will cause it to take effect for the application session, once the AppUrl is launched in the browser. Once in an application session, ...

REST Updates

This article logs changes made in the REST Web Service API.

REST – Getting Started

This guide serves as a step-by-step walk through for installing and configuring the REST Web Service, verifying that it is working properly, and briefly demonstrating how it works. This article is a chronological series of steps that should be followed in this order: Installing the Web ...

REST — Parameters

Parameters are used throughout the application to store values.

List of REST Endpoints

The following REST Web Service API endpoint paths are available. All calls require the following headers: Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Authorization: {type} {authstring} For more information, review REST — Introduction /rest/Batch ...

REST – Introduction

The Exago API provides programmatic access to create session configurations based on user credentials. The REST API is an alternative to the .NET API for applications not built in .NET environments. REST web services provide access to API functions for any client capable of passing HTTP ...

REST – GetExecute

GetExecute is used to execute reports in the API, without opening an instance of Exago. If executing as text, i.e. HTML, CSV, or JSON, then the output data is returned directly in the ExecuteData property. If executing as binary (i.e. PDF, RTF, or Excel workbook), then ExecuteData will return ...

REST – Functions

Functions are custom formulas that can be used in reports to manipulate data. Only custom functions can be edited, not the built-in functions. NoteAll requests require a Session ID URL parameter and basic request headers. In the following document, headers are omitted in the interest of ...

REST – Folders

Management of the folder and report tree is available with the REST Web Service API. Unlike other resources, managing the tree affects the base configuration, and is not temporary to a session. Therefore it also affects concurrent users. NoteAll requests require a Session ID URL ...

Executing Reports with the API

NoteThis version of the .NET API documentation is deprecated. A new version can be found at https://www.exagoaccess.com/api-docs/. There are two different ways to use the Exago APIs to perform report execution. This guide discusses the main differences and provides ...

REST – Data Sources

A Data Source is a resource which contains or accesses the information which is reported on. Often this is a database, but a variety of types are supported. Data Sources are accessed using a connection string, which passes the location of the resource and authentication params. This ...

REST – Data Objects

Endpoints for the manipulation of Data Objects (also known as "Entities") in the REST API.

REST – Data Joins

Joins are the relationship data objects have to each other. Join information is accessible and editable via REST.

Constants and Enumerators

A reference guide that lists the most important enumerated types and lists of constants that are used throughout the API.

REST – Config Settings

The Settings endpoint allows access to many for the current configuration and session.