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Storage Management


This article applies to the Admin Console > TreeStorageMgmt.png Storage Management settings.

Assembly Location

The path and filename of the DLL that implements the IStorageManagement interface. The default value is <WebApp>binWebReports.ContentDatabase.dll, which will use Exago’s Storage Management implementation, where <WebApp> represents the Web Application’s installation directory.

Provide the fully qualified path to the file. If no path is supplied, Exago will check the Web Application’s bin directory for the DLL, or in v2020.1.15+ and v2021.1.3+ fallback to the internal Exago implementation of Storage Management.

Class Name

The name of the class in the assembly that implements the IStorageManagement interface. The default value is WebReports.ContentDatabase.StorageMgmtDatabase, which will use Exago’s Storage Management implementation.

Click the Validate Assembly CheckmarkAdmin.png icon to validate that the assembly exists and that all methods of IStorageManagement can be found by Exago in that class.


Out-of-the-box, Exago provides a SQLite implementation of the Storage Management database. The default values noted for each setting below reflect the default SQLite installation.


Exago recommends using the included SQLite database for development, testing and demonstration purposes only. Use MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle or PostgreSQL in a production environment.

Database Type

Choose the type of the Storage Management database:

  • SQLite (default value)
  • MSSQL — Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL

Database Provider

Specify the name of the database provider Exago will use to connect to the Storage Management database. This matches the InvariantName found as a property of DbProviderFactories in the server’s machine.config file. The default value is SQLite


The machine.config file is located in the %SystemRoot%Microsoft.NETFramework%VersionNumber%CONFIG directory.


Use the applicable database provider name from the Admin Console > TreeGeneral.png General > TreeGeneralNode.png Database Settings.

Database Connection

Connection string Exago will use to connect to the Storage Management database.

Default value for SQLite is Data Source=<FILENAME>. Replace <FILENAME> with the absolute path and file name to the database file. For example: Data Source=D:StorageMgmt.sqlite. When using SQLite, the default location will be the /Config directory under the Exago Web Application install directory.

For PostgreSQL on Windows, include Unicode=true in the connection string.


Review Storage Management: Database Schema and Storage Management: Introduction for more information about the purpose of each of these tables. Each table name may also include a schema (e.g. dbo.content).

Table Prefix

Provide an optional prefix for all Storage Management database tables. Review the Storage Management: Database Schema article for information. This option can be used to add a schema if it exists.


  1. test_ will result in tables named test_content, test_party_type, test_content_access and test_storage_meta
  2. dbo. will result in tables named dbo.content, dbo.party_type, dbo.content_access and dbo.storage_meta

Check Database Settings

Click to check the connection between Exago and the Storage Management database. Also checks that the tables exist in the database.

Show Prepare Database SQL

Click to display the SQL statements that will initialize a Storage Management database with the schema and default party types. Works similar to the Prepare Database button but will display the SQL statements on screen instead of executing them.

This button will also show any SQL statements needed to update the schema if necessary on an existing database.

Prepare Database

Click to create the four Storage Management tables, load default party types into the Party Type table and create the Public and My Reports folders if they don’t already exist.

This button will also update the schema if necessary on an existing database. It is not destructive.

Load Themes

Click to load new chart, ExpressView, CrossTab and GeoChart themes from the <WebApp>\Themes folder into the Storage Management database.

This is only necessary for first time installations of Exago, after upgrading to Storage Management from a legacy storage mechanism and themes were not imported with one of the transitioning utilities or after adding new themes to the Themes directory (either by Exago or by customizing the application).

Update Reports v2021.1+

The associated_reports column of the Storage Management Content table is a comma separated list of content_ids for each report that is associated with a particular content record. Reports become associated with others when they are components in a Composite Report such as Chained Report or Dashboard, or if an Advanced Report contains links to other reports (a.k.a. drilldowns).

This Update Reports function in the Admin Console reads the contents of a Storage Management database, parses the report file contents and generates the comma separated lists of associated_reports where applicable.

Depending on the size of the Storage Management database, the Update Reports process may take several minutes to complete. Once finished, an Update All Reports dialog will appear with the results of the operation.

For more information, hover the mouse over the button to see the tooltip. Then click on the Storage Management link in the tooltip.


The Storage Management Identity keys are used similar to the system-wide @userId@ and @companyId@ parameters but only affect content storage. Like @userId@ and @companyId@, they should be set each time an Exago session is created via the API.

The settings here can be used for testing and demonstration purposes. Review the Storage Management: Introduction and Storage Management: Database Schema articles for more information on how these keys are used in the application.

Class Id

Set a value for the Class Id identity key.

Company Id


This is similar to, but is not the same as the system-wide @companyId@ parameter.

Set a value for the Company Id identity key.

User Id


This is similar to, but is not the same as the system-wide @userId@ parameter.

Set a value for the User Id identity key.

When accessing Storage Management properties through the Admin Console (e.g. when viewing Role Folder Permissions) all access filters will be removed and all content will be available.

Owner Id

Set the value for Owner Id. When the Owner Id of a content item matches the value of the Owner Id identity key, full access is granted to that content item automatically.

Default Settings & Content Access Permissions

The default settings determine how permissions are configured for newly created content in the root.

Individual folders have their own inherit flag, default party type and default access flags properties. If for some reason individual folders do not have their own inherit flag, default party type or default access flags set (i.e. they are null or disabled) then the values here will be applied.

Inherit Flag

Set the default value of the Inherit Flag.

If True, new folders created in the root will have their inherit flag set to true.  When a folder’s inherit flag is true, new content created in that folder will copy all of the access records from its parent.

If False, new folders created in the root will have their inherit flag set to false. When a folder’s inherit flag is false, new content created in that folder will have a single new content access record written with the default party type and default access flags.

Default value is True.


This setting determines the value of the Inherit Flag on child folders of the root. Folders created in the root do not copy the access records from the root folder. Instead, a single content access record with the Default Party Type will be written for new folders in the root.

Party Type

Set the default party type for newly created folders in the root. Regardless of the value of Party Type, new folders created in the root will have their default party type set to this value.

When Inherit Flag is True, this dropdown is disabled as content access records will be inherited from the content’s parent and therefore will not have an effect.

Access Flags v2020.1–v2021.1

Default Access Permission v2021.1+

Set the default access flags that will be used for newly created content when not inheriting access from the parent objects. Choose from:

  • Full Access — there will be no restriction on access to content
  • Read Only — content is marked as read-only in a similar way to Roles. When content is read-only, it cannot be edited, saved or deleted. Read-only folders cannot have new content saved into them. Read-only reports can be duplicated into non-read-only folders.
  • Custom (pre-v2021.1) — a different content access strategy can be implemented by manually editing the XML configuration file and providing a value in the <default_access_flags> node.
  • Custom (v2021.1+) — a different content access strategy can be implemented by manually checking the corresponding permission checkboxes.

Each of the access flags are defined in the Storage Management: Introduction article.

CanView, CanSave and CanEdit are implemented in v2020.1. The other flags are not yet active and will be implemented in v2021.1.

Cache Settings

Enable Report List Caching


This setting was formerly located in TreeGeneral.png General > TreeGeneralNode.png Other Settings.

Set to True to enable the folders and report list in the MainLeftPaneViewReports.pngReport Tree to be cached, rather than querying the Storage Management database each time they are needed. Default value is True.

It is recommended to enable Report List Caching, even with a small timeout. Care should be taken when running Exago in a web farm environment, as the caches will become unsynchronized.


If Enable Report List Caching is True, set the timeout in seconds that the folder and report list cache should expire. Default value is 30 seconds.

Enable Report XML Caching


This setting was formerly located in TreeGeneral.png General > TreeGeneralNode.png Other Settings.

If True, the XML report definition content will be cached rather than being read from the database each time it is needed. Enabling this setting will reduce the number of calls to the Storage Management database and may help with performance. Default value is True.

It is recommended to enable Report XML Caching, even with a small timeout. Care should be taken when running Exago in a web farm environment, as the caches will become unsynchronized.


If Enable Report XML Caching is True, set the timeout in seconds that the folder and report list cache should expire. Default value is 30 seconds.

Theme List Caching Timeout

Set the timeout in seconds that the report and chart theme cache should expire. Default value is 30 seconds.

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