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Pareto Charts

Pareto charts are a type of single-series chart generally used to highlight the most important element amongst a group. Pareto charts combine a Column chart, each column representing a data value sorted in descending order, with a Line chart, each point representing the cumulative percentage ...

Chart Advanced Features: Pie 2D

The following sections provide a list of available advanced attributes available for controlling and customizing 2D Pie chart elements. Note This article contains documentation for advanced attributes which are third-party customizations that must be manually entered into the chart wizard. ...

Chart Advanced Features: Pie 3D

The following sections provide a list of available advanced attributes available for controlling and customizing 3D Pie chart elements. Note This article contains documentation for advanced attributes which are third-party customizations that must be manually entered into the chart wizard. ...

Pie, Doughnut, Pyramid, and Funnel Charts

Pie Pie charts are used to show the relationship of individual data fields in a series as portions of the total data in the series. They are shaped like a circle divided into colored  "slices," each representing a data value. The area of each slice of the pie is proportional to the ...

Chart Advanced Features: Pyramid

The following sections provide a list of available advanced attributes available for controlling and customizing Pyramid chart elements. Note This article contains documentation for advanced attributes which are third-party customizations that must be manually entered into the chart wizard. ...

Chart Advanced Features: Radar

The following sections provide a list of available advanced attributes available for controlling and customizing Radar elements. Note This article contains documentation for advanced attributes which are third-party customizations that must be manually entered into the chart wizard. ...

Chart Advanced Features: Line

The following sections provide a list of available advanced attributes available for controlling and customizing Line chart elements. Note This article contains documentation for advanced attributes which are third-party customizations that must be manually entered into the chart wizard. ...

Line Charts

Line Charts display a series of data points on a grid, connected by straight lines.

Dashboard Designer: ExpressView Visualizations

You can create tabular reports and visualizations directly on the dashboard with ExpressView visualizations. This article applies to versions of the application released prior to v2019.2.

Dashboard Designer: Visualization Tiles (v2019.2+)

A visualization is a graphical representation of data that can be designed directly on the Dashboard canvas without first creating a report.

Displaying Null Values in Charts

By default, null values do not appear in charts. If, for example, a user creates a chart showing sales for each day of the week, days for which there were no sales would be omitted from the X axis. Users looking to include null values in their charts can work around ...

Chart Advanced Features: Doughnut 2D

The following sections provide a list of available advanced attributes available for controlling and customizing 2D Doughnut chart elements. Note This article contains documentation for advanced attributes which are third-party customizations that must be manually entered into the chart ...

Chart Advanced Features: Doughnut 3D

The following sections provide a list of available advanced attributes available for controlling and customizing 3D Doughnut chart elements. Note This article contains documentation for advanced attributes which are third-party customizations that must be manually entered into the chart ...

Chart Advanced Features: Funnel

The following sections provide a list of available advanced attributes available for controlling and customizing Funnel chart elements. Note This article contains documentation for advanced attributes which are third-party customizations that must be manually entered into the chart wizard. ...


A Gauge gives a visual representation of the scale of a value. Refer to the Examples at the end of this article. Gauge Wizard To add a gauge to an Advanced Report: Select a cell on the design grid where the gauge will reside. Gauges can be placed in any section of the report except for the ...

Google Maps

Note The system administrator can restrict access to this feature, therefore it may not be available in all environments. Contact the system administrator for more information. The Google Maps Wizard allows interactive maps with highlighted data to appear in Advanced Reports. Geographical ...

Heatmap Charts

  Heatmaps are available in Advanced Reports starting with v2020.1.3+. Heatmaps A heatmap, sometimes referred to as a mosaic plot or density function visualization, is a chart with two related axes and 1–6 data series arranged on an X-Y grid. The defining characteristic of a heatmap is its ...

Chart Advanced Features: Heatmap

The following sections provide a list of available advanced attributes available for controlling and customizing Heatmap elements. Note This article contains documentation for advanced attributes which are third-party customizations that must be manually entered into the chart wizard. These ...

Installing Optional Features

Several features require additional configuration before they can be used.Google Maps Important Exago's Google Maps wizard uses the Google Maps API, which requires a paid license for commercial use. You must acquire a Google Maps API license in order to enable this feature. There are ...

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A Key Performance Indicator or KPI visualization can be used on ExpressViews and Dashboards to show the magnitude of one or several critical values. This value may be a data field, an aggregation of a column or a complex formula.