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JavaScript API

Integration Example

This video describes a minimum viable implementation of Exago BI using the BATCH feature of our REST API and the JavaScript library.<< Roles Previous VideoTranscript Welcome back to the Exago Technical Training Series! IN this video we will demonstrate a minimum viable integration of ...

Inline Frame or JavaScript API?

Exago offers flexibility when integrating with a host application. This article aims to describe the differences between using inline frames (also known as iframes) and the Exago JavaScript API. This article will detail the pros and cons of each embedding method. As each application is ...

JavaScript API

A video demonstration of embedding Exago BI into host applications using the JavaScript API.

JavaScript API

The Exago JavaScript (JS) API allows Exago functionality to be embedded directly into HTML containers.

JavaScript API: Filters and Parameters

Runtime filters and parameters can now be modified via the JavaScript API prior to a report's execution.

JavaScript API Filters

Nick Cortina walks through applying filters and parameters via the JavaScript API, a feature new to v2019.1!

JavaScript API: Proxy Incoming Requests

Note As of v2018.1, this is no longer necessary. Use Cookieless Sessions instead. It can be tricky to serve content from different domains as part of the same web page. To protect against malicious scripts, web browsers enforce a same-origin policy whereby scripts have permission to access ...

JavaScript API: Report and Dashboard Execution Timing

As of v2019.1.3+, Exago BI exposes a JavaScript API that may be invoked in the browser to execute reports and dashboards and retrieve information about how long they take to run. This makes it easier to do benchmarking, especially for dashboard executions where a test would need to wait ...