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Data Source Drivers

A list and the associated links for recommended ADO.NET drivers for each type of data source, and notes about any applicable caveats or exceptions when using certain drivers.

Data Objects

Data Objects are the tables, views, methods, stored procedures, functions and custom SQL made accessible from the Data Sources for reports. This article applies to the Admin Console > Data > Objects settings.

Data Sources

Data Sources establish the connection between Exago and a database or a web service. Although typically only one database is used, Exago can join data from different sources into a single report.

Join Configuration

Joins specify to Exago the relationship between Data Objects. This article applies to the Admin Console > Data > Joins settings, where joins are defined at the base-configuration level.


Parameters are used throughout the Exago application to store values. Although parameters can be created and given a default value in the Administration Console, parameters are designed to be set at runtime through the API.